Thursday, July 23, 2015

...And Jesus Said To Paul.......deno.....share freely.

.....And Jesus said to Paul, (Expounded).....I've called you to be filled with my Spirit and to have visitations from Me. I've called you to open your eyes so that you can open other peoples eyes. I've called you to reveal my redemption wisdom to you. To show you things to come. To unveil the power of the Cross to you, its power, its blessings, its benefits to all those that believe. I've called you to life and  life more abundantly in fellowship with Me. I've called you to the fellowship of My Sufferings. I've called you to glory in nothing but in My Cross and to preach peace thru the blood of My Cross. I have called you, to learn those things for yourself and then to teach others the good things My Blood Speaks....And Paul My Joy shall be your strength, but also Paul note this.I love you to also tell you all the truth....I have called you to be hated by all nations for My Names Sake. I have called you to suffer many things for believing and for belonging to me.....And Paul later wrote, And because of all that Jesus revealed and taught me, there was given unto be a thorn in the flesh, an agitation of the enemy, a MESSENGER of Satan sent to buffet me.
...... Paul was opposed by the devil (2 Cor 12:7). His thorn in the flesh was self explained so that none would have to presume or speculate what his thorn in the flesh was. It was A MESSENGER. A messenger not from God but from the devil. That demonic spirit was sent to toy with and against the mind of Paul thru words against words and thought against thought wrestlings and buffetings. That demonic spirit also would go whisper things into other peoples minds to enrage them against Paul and they would physically persecute Paul. Jesus' words to Paul about suffering many things for His Name sake was coming to pass thru all that demonic opposition. That MESSENGER FROM SATAN was Pauls thorn in the flesh. America, church thru out the world, THAT SAME MESSENGER IS AT WORK AGAINST US ALL TODAY......share freely......deno.

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