Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Vital Message the Lord has Given.......deno.......share freely.

.......The Vital Message the Lord Has Given.......
.......The scriptures tell us of a loving father who had a son whom Satan had bound and had entered. Often times that demon would manifest itself in that young lad and cast him into fires trying to burn him to death, or he would run him into local waters to drown him.
......The father of that boy loved his son and daily he had to keep a watchful eye on his boy to try to save him from what that demon wanted to do to the young lad. Now what is about to be written is to be noted.
.......That boys father loved his son. He loved him and felt bad for his son being in that terrible demonic condition. But friends his love for his son, nor him feeling bad for his son being in that condition did not keep his son automatically safe from the devils schemes, nor did his love and sad feelings for his son, those things BROUGHT NO DELIVERANCE. The will was there but how to perform was beyond him.
.......We all need to grow up and know that just because God loves us passionately with the deepest of feelings does not automatically exclude us from attacks from the enemy or from trouble and trying situations.. And just because Jesus was Jesus, the Lord from heaven, such divinity did not keep Satan away from coming against Jesus. No he came straight up to Jesus and face to face said, If you be the Son of God do this, do that.
........That boys loving father loved his son. He probably prayed, pleaded and begged God daily to deliver his son. Lord carest thou not that my son is perishing? He probably tried all kinds of human local help on behalf of his son but was none bettered. We know he sought the church about it but the church boys failed him. HELLO.
........But then one day the Lord from heaven who had the anointing of the Spirit of God without measure came on the scene. Jesus was prayed up, fasted up and the power of the Lord was present to deliver. Jesus even started out his ministry with a 40 day prayer and fasting sacrifice. He waxed so strong in spirit from that, that the devil sent not the second demon in charge to Jesus but took Jesus on himself. Jesus resisted, Jesus put Satan behind him and the bible said from there Jesus went forth in the Power of Gods Spirit to the people healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with Jesus mightily.
.........When Jesus came on that boys situation the scene was this. The church boys had called for a deliverance meeting. All twelve got together to let the devil know who was now in charge and the devils resisted them as they will always do. Over and over again they shouted to that demon, Come out, Come out, Come out in the name of Jesus. All there usurpings of authority that had been working for them in the past was not in this situation working. The Lords church looked weak and beggarly. They went from shouting boldly come out, come out in the name of Jesus to scratching their heads while the boys father went back to crying and crying, begging the demon to leave his son alone saying PLEASE. The atmosphere became overwhelmed with the things that accompany doubt and unbelief. The church was looking weak and bad while Satan and the demons were getting their way (Hello).
........But then Jesus comes on the scene. He rebukes his church boys for their unbelief. The boys father runs to Jesus begging him in tears to do something but those tears alone did not get Jesus to do the work. Jesus still said, You must believe. Folks that in itself preaches volumes. Tears, emotions, feelings of desperation does not get the job done. All that was definitely going on there in that scene and situation but nothing by those things moved God. Jesus still said, YOU MUST BELIEVE. Then the father cried, help thou my unbelief. That father of that boy had seen so much failure and disappointment concerning his sons situation that he was way more in unbelief than faith. He had become so effected by lack of spiritual victory  that he had become a spiritual beggar, but begging and begging did not make anything better but worse. Even the church boys faith was powerless. The power house of God-the church-had a form of things but the power was lacking.
.......Jesus though was always full of faith and full of the Holy Ghost. He set the boy free and taught the church that tears are noted but they BY THEMSELVES  do not move God. Begging is noted, but that does not get the job done. Feelings of desperations God sees but for years those feelings of that father and that community  for that boy did not save that son nor move Satan out. Jesus said, this kind only will come out but by prayer and fasting of Gods people.
........Folks, in the last days the world will be under the influence of demonic powers more than ever before. Satan will be shuffling things around for his evil smiling clever, scheming, lying, deceiving son to come on the worlds stage (AntiChrist). Imaging then how so important it is for us THE CHURCH to be in prayer and fastings often in these last days to back him off, to abolish his take overs, destroying his evil spirits works.....
.........Griping, gossiping, complaining, feelings of desperation, negative conversations, tears nor begging will change anything concerning these spiritual matters that are effecting and going to effect our world and nation. Jesus said, This kind (the more powerful resisting demons) only will come out, only can be overcome, uprooted, cast out, and their works and schemes destroyed BUT BY PRAYER AND FASTING......He that has ears to hear, let him hear and so do in Jesus Name......Amen......Deno....America Founded By Believers For Believers.......share freely.

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