Sunday, August 11, 2013

God Is Pro Life....Blog Rated PG 13......deno

     A man offshore said when Saddam Hussein was in power, he used to have these machines by which he tortured his enemies and would grind them up slowly. He said those he preyed on with these machines would scream and cry for mercy because of the pain and because they wanted to LIVE. Saddam just smoked his cigar as heartless evil possessed his soul. His heart had become hardened thru the deceitfulness of sin.  He had no regard for their life. 
     Million and millions of babies in the womb each year cry out for mercy and to live as ruthless, merciless machines operated by willing people devour them in wombs all across America and the world. But like Saddam's enemies their cries are ignored and their enemies just smoke their cigars and cash their checks. But also  just like Saddam, they will one day hit the wall of justice just like he did. They will reap what they sowed. Jesus told Peter when he raised the sword and cut off that soldiers ear, "Peter, put away your Sword. If you live by the sword , you will perish by the sword".Jesus was not playing with words when he said that. Saddam watched people for years cry out for mercy and none was rendered. Eventually his reaping season came into his life. A millstone was tied around his neck and he was cast into an endless bottomless pit in this world and in the souls world. He went down crying out for mercy and none was given. 
     Ask for forgiveness for this sin and Jesus will forgive and pardon you by the power of His Cross. HE PROMISED TO DO SO.  But keep fighting for the right to commit this sin; keep marching and  pushing legislation to uphold this evil and your sin remains......This is a word of God and an Unchangeable Truth. It is written, There is a way and a wisdom that seems right at first in a persons own eyes, but the end of that way is destruction. That is scripture.......deno......God Is Pro Life......please share freely.
Jesus told us all, Let the children come unto me and stand not in their way....He was not talking this way.

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