Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Lord Himself Has Redeemed You. That itself says Volumes......deno

    The Lord Himself has redeemed you. He has raised you up and placed your feet on His high place of life, grace and glory. He has called you by HIS NAME. He has fastened on to you and your life the exaltation's in HIS GREAT NAME. He has come down from His throne. He has entered into your life and world. He has humbled HIMSELF and bowed down before you washing your feet in HIS HANDS. He has submitted HIMSELF to an agonizing cross to suffer the punishment for all your sins forever. He has risen from the dead and ascended back unto HIS THRONE all for you. Then His Father, ALL FOR YOU, said,"Come now, sit at MY RIGHT HAND until I make all your enemies your footstool." 
     Friends there was not one move or movement of the Son of God from the THRONE to the Cross and from the Cross back up unto the THRONE that was done without you and for your Benefit and Extreme Blessings. He did not have to come down from heaven to go to the Cross for HIMSELF. All of it. Every bit of it, every dot over the i, and every crossing of the t of all his sufferings were one and all wrought FOR YOU. You are GREATLY LOVED. You are incredibly valued and cherished no matter what this world says or does to you.  Never forget these words, for there is an eternity.....Amen......deno.....please share freely.

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