Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The American War Machine......deno

I have never yet seen our own government to send our war machine made up of the worlds finest soldiers and incredible war machines into war and harms way and allow our military strength and superiority be fully unleashed. They send us into the war zones and always hold back our true power by selective targeting or gentle war mannerisms. If they would ever let us truly make our full presence fully felt and known in the lands of the people who get out of line and do injustice, the fear of American Power would really be in the hearts of the rebellious and dictators and America would be RESPECTED AS WE SHOULD BE. But they do not allow this. They send the dogs into harms way and dull their teeth with war restraints. That is not nor has it ever been right to soldiers we send into combat. They have done this for years and in many battles in the last 60 years...Let them do what they can do and finish it. If a war is started so that MONEY CAN BE MADE SOMEWHERE, THAT IS AN ALMOST AN UNFORGIVEABLE EVIL......deno

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