Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Some Words God Himself Needs.......deno

       The scriptures call Christ Words and Gospel the manifold counsel and wisdom of God. This counsel and wisdom covers every spectrum of need and every area of life and redemption and every area of our relationship with God. By the Spirit of God we receive all discernment as to what to say, answer, teach, write, and preach, to each other. Some of us need the word of eternal life by faith in Christ blood, death, and resurrection. This gets us born again and our name in the book of the saved. Some of us need the word of repentance, for the fruit of repentance is a vital part of all entering agendas to God. Some of us need to be rebuked. But let all rebukes come from the heart of the Fathers love lest we cause confusion spewing the words from the evil of the flesh and not from the gentleness of the Spirit of grace. Some of us need a word of encouragement being that the world or Satan or some other reason has gotten us down in the soul. Why are you cast down my soul, said King David? GOD IS YOUR HOPE SO HOPE THOU IN GOD. Some of us need the word of hope because things are looking rather grim. Some of us need the word of faith that we may be healed. Some us need the word of reconciliation and of restoration having lost some ground or spiritual territory. Some of us need the word and warning of the necessity to forgive all, for the lack of this shuts everything down between us and God until we do forgive. Yes so many words in the manifold wisdom and counsel of God that we can and are to share with one another and it goes on and on.......
        Friends God to has Word Needs. Our tongue praising Him and giving Him thanksgiving everyday. It is written, God absorbs with His presence the praises of His people....Also Jesus said, If they do not praise me the rocks will cry out....In part this also means that the foundational rocks of the earths foundations will rebell against and unbelieving, unthankful, non praising people or generation... Have you given God His Word Need Today? Praise Him. Give Him Thanks.... A Friendly Reminder To Us All.....deno.....please share freely.

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