Friday, February 21, 2014

We Wrestle....deno.....please share freely

     These two things I heave learned and know to be the truth that fits everyone's life at one time or another or at many opportune times. They are these. #1) Satan will much wrestle with you to take the gospel and God's Word out of your heart and God's promise out of your hope- Mark 4.... #2) He will also wrestle with you to wrestle you out of the will of God....

For instance......
Let's fast. He responds, No let's eat. 
Let's pray. No let's play. 
Let's study God's Word. No let's buzz the internet. 
Let's talk about Jesus. No let's talk about the American idol. 
Let' go to church. No let's go to the movies. 
Let's do the right thing. No let's do the pleasure thing. 
Let's walk humble with our God. No let's be cocky and puffed up with vanity and pride. 
Let's turn the cheek. No let's sue the shirt off their children.....on and on it goes.....

James wrote to us and said. Submit to God. Resist the devil. Overcome evil by doing good...Just a reminder...This word is for some one today....Was it you????.......deno

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