Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Is Your Golden Calf #1?.....deno.....please share freely

     When God saved the children of Israel with His mighty hand and with the blood of the lamb in Moses hour, He certainly saved them and did so mightily. He used His own power. He used Moses who represented Jesus that was to come, and He used the sacrifice of a lamb and it's blood to save the children of Israel from God's judgement and wrath that was coming. Yes God saved them mightily. No question about it. They were before slaves in Egypt and NOW they were free. ....
      But here is a point The Lord wants us to see in this, in their freedom. They had a serious problem with WALKING IN THEIR FREEDOM, IN THEIR NEWNESS OF LIFE. God had set them free, YES. But they did not really appreciate their new found freedom. Many of them even wanted to go back to Egypt to the place of their former bondage. They even exchanged the glory of the God that saved them by His strong arm and by the blood of the Lamb, and put a golden calf in the bloods place and said it was that golden calf that saved them from Egypt and not God or the Lambs blood. THIS WAS A MIGHTY NO NO. The earth opened up it's mouth and swallowed many of them whole that did that. SO DON'T DO THAT. 
     Let us forever cleave to the blood of the Cross of Christ, for it is the POWER OF GOD that saves us all from all sin and from all wrath.....deno.....please share freely. 

    What is your confidence in????? His blood or in you and in your self righteousness.? Well one of these is of God, the other one is a golden calf type.

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