Saturday, February 15, 2014

Jesus said, "What would you have Me do for you????.....deno....please share freely

.....And Jesus said to the man, "What would you have Me do for you?" Yes the God of the Universe, the Lord of Heaven said those words to a man on earth and He meant every Word He said. God does not play with words. God does not lie. All of us in the original plan were created for God's good pleasure.  Jesus taught us, Fear not little flock, for IT GIVES YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOOD PLEASURE TO GIVE....TO GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM AND TO GIVE YOU GOOD THINGS...
     The scriptures say, Delight Yourself in the Lord and the Lord will give you the desires of your heart.......Jesus said, "If you abide/remain. live your life in me and My Words you believe and live by, you shall ask what you will and God shall do it".....The Father said, "Because you have loved righteousness and hated sin and iniquity, for this reason, God even Your God has ANOINTED YOU, He has anointed you with His oil of gladness and merriness of heart much richer than the worlds, even above the measure of your companions.....Hebrews chapter One.
     Friends it pays to love, serve, and obey God. He wants to answer our prayers. He wants to bless us. He said to that man, What is it you want Me to do for you??????..... Jesus told us , He that does what I have said and do say, He/She is the one that LOVES ME. Me and My Father will come to them and manifest ourselves to them. Be real in their lives...... Because he loves what I love and does what I do. He said, " I and My Father will come and live in him and make his house/heart and life OUR DWELLING PLACE, OUR HOME."  A home is for family togetherness, fellowship, sharing, chores, and supping and for joy filled activities...For those who love what I love, and those who do what I do, do not grieve the Holy Spirit but He delights in them and over them. He smiles upon them and their lives....These words are true, they are yes, and they are AMEN........deno.

Perfecting holiness and obedience in the fear and love of God.
Let us all learn more and more to submit to God and do His will.
Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before when we delight  ourselves in Him and obey His voice...
...And Jesus said to the man, "What would you have Me do for you?" Yes the God of the Universe, the Lord of Heaven said those words to a man on earth and He meant every Word He said....Delight Yourself in the Lord and the Lord will give you the desires of your hear...Jesus said...If you abide in me and My Words you believe and live by, you shall ask what you will and God shall do it.....Because you have loved righteousness and hated with resisting sin and iniquity, God even Your God has ANOINTED YOU.....Friends it pays to love and obey God.. Jesus told us , He that does what I have said and do say, He/She is the one that LOVES ME. Me and  My Father will manifest ourselves to Him. Because he loves what I love and does what I do, I and My Father will come and live in him and make his house/heart and life OUR DWELLING PLACE, OUR HOME...For those who love what I love, and those who do what I do, do not grieve the Holy Spirit but He delights in them and over them.....These words are true, they are yes, and they are AMEN........deno

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