Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our Great & High Calling Given Us The Church In Christ......God has greatly honored us for this precious grace.....deno

  1. These amazing words reveal to us Our joint togetherness High Calling given us as the body of Christ, the Church of God on earth. To us He gives the manifold wisdom of God in Christ to know it, live in it, walk in the marvelous light of it, and teach it all, make it know to all the powers, and principalities of the angelic host, and heavenly host, in all heavenly places above, and those here, and those below as it echoes from God into us and from us into their ears.
    The Calling of God upon us from the Scriptures: Ephesians 3:7-12.
    vs 7) For this reason I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of God's glorious power.
    vs 8) Unto me who is even the less than the least of all the saints this grace has been given, that even I the least of all the saints, should preach among all nations of people the endless, unmeasurable, boundless riches of Christ.
    vs 9) And by this grace in me I labor to make open all men's eyes to their fellowship, their living, breathing, walking dwelling part, place, involvement, and benefits in the mystery of Christ, a mystery so before kept secret and hidden in God from the beginning, who introduces to us in these last days His Son Jesus Christ, by whom He created all the worlds by.
    vs10) God's Son and this mystery of He being the Christ that was to come, was before hidden as a mystery hidden in God for this NOW PURPOSE, (Are You Listening?) Church here in this is revealed part of our together great HIGH CALLING) that now, right now, even in this age unto the principalities, and the powers in the heavenly places where Angels reside desiring to learn of these things, they and the under world and the above world of spirits might learn now FROM THE CHURCH THE MANIFOLD WISDOM OF GOD. (Amazing Grace accomplishes all this)
    vs11)This great revealing work of God to His church and then His church wherein His Son now resides to make it known thru them to the angelic host of all heavenly places above and below, is all according to His very own design and purpose and sweet tasting GOOD PLEASURE. Flock fear not. For it gives our Heavenly Father thrilling pleasure to do this and make this happen. He purposed all of this glory unto us the Redeemed, His adopted children in Christ even from the foundation of the world.
    vs12)And in all this glory given us by the Father who is for us and not against us, in all this HIGHEST OF CALLINGS, we all together the church, have all boldness into these things with full confidence to enter these things by faith in Jesus Christ. For since God gave us the precious life and blood of His own Son for us to live and have eternal life and fellowship with the Father, we can be confident that the Father has already granted and given us the right and the grace and the total access to discover all this manifold wisdom that we are called to receive from Him, and its riches of Christ, and rejoice in them, and then preach them one and all as we learn them to all of heaven and earths citizens......Glory to God I feel like I'm about to take off shouting and running....deno...hope this light and this word blesses all of you....Amen

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