Thursday, April 9, 2015

THE MOST SOBERING of all TRUTHS......deno.....share freely.

     THE SOBERING TRUTH......Thru a more severe and deeper look at the Cross of Christ thru the Holy Spirits revealing eyes, one cannot help but to see the severity of the human dilemna portrayed in what we see concerning Jesus Christ and him crucified. After pleading with the Father for the cup of the Cross to be taken from him and that plea denied, we see thru the prophet Isaiah some of the reason why Jesus was recoiling from that cup, from that death scene on the Cross.
       Isaiah chapters 52,53,54, said that in the passion of the Christ he would be rejected, then abused, then beaten, then whipped and ripped until as David prophesied in Psalms 22 that Christ ribs were exposed to him as to be able to count them on the cross. And Isaiah revealed even more of that cup that Christ in the garden was recoiling from, he wrote that Jesus was so marred in the abuse that he was disfigured to the measure that he was humanly not recognizable. The horror one sees on the Cross of what the creatures by Satans fury did to the Creator tells us that there is  something seriously wrong on earth between God and man, and that something terrible has happened in the creation of God. It reveals and shows us that the fall of Adam into sin was no soft or light matter for me're amusing human chatter and conversation. It is in all seriousness a heaven or eternal hell matter.
        None of us should ever again look litely at the sin of Adam or at that transgressions consequences, or speak litely about the bloody agonies of our Savior and Creator at Calvary. This revealing light will take us away from our child level ideas and fantasies of the Christ and Christianity and redemption to realizing more of all the why of all that brutality in blood and and ripped flesh so many saw that day on Golgotha's hill. Seeing souls of people young and old being escorted by the evil spirits into hell as they cry that that cup would be taken from them, yet it is to lay for them should awaken us out of sleep and drunkenness of mind to heed the call to proclaim the gospel and to believe and obey Jesus as Lord.
......Something else needs to be spoken here also. This light is not for the faint hearted at the table of revelation and truth.  Another cup is being revealed that all of us as loving caring humans or parents wish none would ever have to drink, especially children. But some cups have to be drank despite our plea against them or have you not noticed this truth already in your natural life on earth, that despite our recoiling from this disturbing truth mankind daily drinks the cups of diverse  sufferings all over the world. Death, hunger, hate, sickness, disease, thirst, evil, rape, murder, abuse of children. On and on these present realities live though a whole world wills them not and wished all those cups would be taken from them, but mostly and so often they are not. Even in Christ we must bear ye one another's troubles and burdens, and strengthen and feed one another lest we faint in the journey of life in this present world in these present earthen clay vessels that are still yet subject to the return unto dust.
       It was very uncomfortable for me to accept this truth at the first that I'm going to be very straight forward about. At first I wanted to recoil from it, run from it, and play it off as heresy. I wanted to pretend I did not hear what I just heard, or see what I just saw. For such knowledge was almost to great for me to stand under it's truth weight. I wept at its truth and reality. Please if you are faint hearted in the faith stop here and go no further.
......In my simplicity I don't know how to say this gently so I will just go on to the point and that point is this. Did you know that due to Adams transgression consequence, as we can see and accept that Adams sin caused the Son of God to taste death for every man, even so another terrible after effect happened because of Adams great transgression. There are even souls of children within the gates of hell. None of us like to picture this truth. I know that I didn't. I would rather not know this. But the scene of the Cross of the Son of God and the scene of him recoiling from the cup in the garden is telling us that there is nothing at all pretty of Adams fall and the Son of Gods severe persecution in the Message of His Cross except that some thru it shall be saved. 
      The real truth of Adams far reaching transgression is more horrific in its consequences than most of us want to consider. When the revelation of this truth comes, it changes ones look at the Cross and the gospel and of the awfulness of Adams sin. It is more tragic and more deeper in cuts and wounds, in thorns and in thistles than many of us want to think. It removes our innocence and child like Sunday school understanding of Jesus and redemption and we enter manhood in understanding seeing things thru the tears, the struggles and the painful agonies of Christ and Him crucified and the why and the how come. Adams sin was so powerful and so horrific in consequence that the citizens of earth were all now legally the members of hell. It slew everyone without mercy young and old, even the Son of God.  And had God not had mercy and Covenantly  intervened, then the whole of mankind would have perished with Satan in hell. This my friends, reveals to us this was no petty game created to bring a bored Creator some amusement. The tears, the cries, the abuse and crucifixion of Jesus Christ Gods Son and his rip and pains shatters that thought.
     You, me and all children are all the children of Adam and Eve. Many of their children are in hell young and old because of Adams sin transfer into them. Most of the world is and that in itself is a revelation of the horror of it all, of their transgression consequence, and of the importance of the great high calling of the reconciling Cross of Christ.
      Sin and Satan have no respecter of persons or their age. Lions of the field always love and chase the infants of the flock or the herd. When ones eyes are opened up to the fact that the Son of God was not even spared, one realizes how terrible Adam and Eves sin really was, NON SPARING. It was the worst thing that could have ever happened to humanity and Jesus. Scroll Down.
       Fathers and mothers, love your children. Be Christ saving light to them in this present so darkened world. Be there souls shepherds in Christ light and love them with the truth that is in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our family is every day our constant local church and the fathers and mothers are the every day shepherds and pastors thereof. Love and feed them the truth that is in Christ Jesus. The Lord is coming soon.....deno......share freely.

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