Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Write Down My Words and Tear Down This Abomination. Where are My Watchman Upon The Earth? Surrendered To Political Correctness Rather Than Surrenderd To The Word Of The Lord. Remember John The Baptist Who Feared No Rule of Men, Nor Any Throne Under Heaven. He Feared The God Of His High Calling And Said O king, The Lord Says You Are In Sin. Gods Law Says You Cannot Have Your Brothers Wife In This Way. God Does Not Permit This Wickedness of the king. How Much More Would John Preach So Strongly Against Men with Men and Women with Women Relations......UPDATE....share freely.....deno.

      Love without Holiness is not God at all. You see Love without Holiness says anything goes. Love without holiness, well no moral line is drawn. Love without holiness distinguishes not between good and evil. All is the same in sugar town when love is without holiness. Love without holiness has No Thou Shalt Not established or in the picture. Love without holiness says, Sleep with whom you want, whenever you want and with whatever you want man to man, or woman with woman, lets all just love everybody as you choose laying no judgement at the door and if you do judge your a HATER.  Love without holiness says all that is ok.
       Friends that spirit of Love without holiness is the devil. Gods True Spirit is Light and Love and Holy. He is not love without holiness. God, perfect love draws clear moral lines because he is Holy. Gays thinking that that life style is sin free, beyond rebuke, and should not be judged as wrong are their souls own worst enemy. They are under satanic strong delusion.      
      Love without holiness says we have nothing in need to repent of. Love without holiness involved is Satans counterfeit love and Satans way of condoning sin behavior and you know that is a lie. Hell proves this point clearly.
      Perfect love who is also Holy said, Those I love I warn, I rebuke, I chastise and call them to repent of their sins. He does not promote them or condone them. Never has and never will. If love, Gods love was without holiness, then hell would not exist.
       When Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself I promise you he was not saying that love should be without holiness and that anything goes. He was not saying never rebuke sin ever again nor see no difference between good or evil. He was not making sin right, or light darkness. He was not saying to love your neighbor means to let sin have its free and uninterrupted course without rebuke or penalty. God who is perfect love, in His loving us has always warned us not to sin or to condone sin because sin will destroy a person in hell and if you do not warn them God said you hate them, Satans love says just the opposite. Those that warn gays and sinners that their sin is wrong and could cost them their soul, they yell and call us all HATER, HATERS, HATERS. Gods feiry judgement of the world in the end clarifies this. He said. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. 
       I heard a gay man on the net works saying it is time for Christians to do as Jesus said, to love their neighbor as their self and when he said this he was under delusion as if society is supposed to let this perverse life of sin go unjudged as sin. If you love your neighbor as yourself, well do you want your self to go to hell? Wouldn't you do all you knew to do to not go to hell if you really understood the danger. Or would you just never say no to sin, always condone and approve sin, and destroy your own soul?
       There exist no love in heaven that does not draw moral lines or that does not call sin wrong. Lovers of sin and darkness, their love justifies their sin. Jesus said, the world loves its own. Yes the world has its own kind of love. The world takes care of its own, marries its own, makes friendships with its own and Jesus also said that the world loves darkness rather than light, and that their deeds and ways were of darkness and of evil and that in their darkness they fall into the pit.
      The worlds wisdom and love will lead the soul to perish. Gays thinking that loving your neighbor as yourself means that anything goes with love, and that they shall escape the judgement of God for this sin lifestyle they are deceived and blind to the truth of what love is, in Gods true sight. Jesus said those that love Me obey Me and Jesus always thru out all history warned the world that the gay lifestyle is amongst the worse sin and perversion leading to the most severe judgments of God. Jesus said the gay people of Sodom and Gomorrah would have REPENTED of their homosexual sins LONG AGO had their ears heard the teachings of Christ and by that repentance the souls of that city would have been spared. In this Jesus clearly tells us all that Gods love never condones or approves of sin or of the gay life style. Had Sodom and Gomorrah heard of Gods true love in Christ, Jesus said they WOULD HAVE REPENTED of that sin and been saved. This move on society to approve and give license to this gay life style is satanic deceitful and Satans mos clever wit at the top of its game.......share freely......deno.

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