Thursday, July 31, 2014

Abraham Believed....We Believe.....deno......please share freely.

     Genesis 22:1-19)....vs 9 -18)....Abraham, Abraham, cried the voice of the Lord. Stay your hand. Do not hurt Issac. Now I know you believe Me. Now I know you fear My Name.....Abraham, because you were willing to offer unto Me your son, YOUR ONLY SON (God in these words of His was preaching of the mystery of Christ His only Son that was to come as THE GREAT SACRIFICE -THE CROSS of Christ),...and the Lord continued, I the Lord of glory Swear, (When God swears whether in His Love or in His wrath it is an unbreakable word of God), I will bless you with incredible blessings and increase and multiply your SEED (Paul received the revelation that that SEED was Christ-Galations 3:16,29)) and your SEED (Which was Christ) shall overcome and conquer his enemies...And thru your SEED (Which was Jesus) shall all the nations of the earth BE BLESSED....
     Abraham believed Gods promises and God accounted Abrahams trust and faith as his right, his righteousness before God to receive the BLESSINGS. God Himself said Abrahams righteousness before Him was HIS BELIEVING AND TRUST IN GOD and the mouth of the Lord never can lie. This word is TRUTH. Abrahams faith was his righteousness before God........    
     From the beginning of the everlasting covenant, FAITH has always been what pleases God and what God accounts as His covenant members RIGHTEOUSNESS. Trusting in John 3:16-17. Trusting in the blood of Christ our Passover Lamb and believing that Jesus died for our sins and rose again from the dead is believing as Abraham did. It is trusting as Abraham trusted. 
      You see God stayed Abrahams hand from sacrificing his son, HIS ONLY SON, but God did not stay or withhold His own hand to sacrifice His Son, His Only Son Jesus. He personally delivered him up for us all the scriptures says. Isaccs blood was tainted with sin so it could not qualify for the redeeming need, so his blood shed would have done no good. But Jesus, well certainly that is a different story. Jesus was the perfect holy, sinless, eternal Spirit of the Lord that had become flesh. Jesus was (The Lamb who knew NO SIN fully qualifying He and His blood as the Lamb without spot, wrinkle or blemish, meaning NO SIN, PURE AND UNDEFILED. PERFECT for the atoning blood. 
     In Christ we come to the altar of the place of a great sacrifice again with believing Abraham. We look as Abraham did and find the promise fulfilled of what Abraham said to his sons question. Issac had asked, Father Abraham I see the altar, the wood, and the fire, but father wheres the Lamb?....AND Abraham answered his son saying, The Lord will provide THE LAMB. The Lord will provide the Lamb.... So like Abraham suddenly we see that promise fulfilled. We look and Behold what John the baptist saw. We see THE PROVISION OF THE LORD. We see Jesus, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world on the scene sent to us by God and by the Sacrifice of himself the Lord that had become flesh, that had become the Lamb promised, put away our sin forever thru the blood of HIS CROSS.....
     Then after his blood (THE PRECIOUS BLOOD) was shed unto his bodies death, three days later God raised His Son from the dead....This we believe. This is every believers foundation and connection point and place connecting us all to God, to the so great a salvation, to the so great a SACRIFICE, and to one another in Christ in the Body and in the Spirit of the Lord......deno.....please share freely.

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