Friday, July 25, 2014

AntiChrist Will Not Rule Every Nation. He Does Not Have To Rule America......deno......please share freely

     Note: Just as Satan will not rule every soul, nor will the antiChrist rule every nation. Jesus told Paul, Preach on in this place Paul and fear not, for I the Lord have many people in this city. It is also written, Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord.
     As I was reading 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13, I was reminded that the first 8 verses reveals to us what gives the devil place over a person or a nation or the world. The first thing that happens is the people lose their faith in Christ as the Way or as the only way. It says they fall away from the Lord. After that happens, the devil is given place and the antiChrist is BY PERMISSION of the people able to come forth and be revealed. 
      Vs 2 reveals to us what else men do that gives Satan and the antiChrist their place in a person, a society, in a nation, or the world. They begin to OPPOSE GOD AND HIS SON AND HIS WORD and they start to EXALT other things, scientific ideas and theories, and humanistic assumptions above the Word of God, above the scriptures that cannot be broken,  above the book of Genesis, above Gods book of beginnings, and above the gospel of Jesus Christ. The theory of evolution is one of these types of things that men use in great swelling lies and deceptions to exalt above the word of God and to oppose God, oppose intelligent design, oppose Creationism, and to oppose Jesus Christ and His redeeming gospel, IN HOPE TO CAUSE A GREAT FALLING AWAY that Satan backs and wars to happen in America and elsewhere.
       Notice in vs 6 & 7 ) And now YOU KNOW what is holding him back from taking over. He cannot take over until the power, the salt and the light is removed that hinders his appearing. Once that is proportionately overcome, THEN SHALL THAT WICKED ONE COME ON THE SCENE IN HIS POWER.
        Now notice with me carefully what can be seen thru eyes opened in VS 8. We see in verse 8 that there is something that can hinder, withhold, and even DESTROY the antiChrist, his dark spirit and his deceiving works. This destroying the antiChrist power is revealed and found in these words of scripture, vs 8) and then shall the wicked one be revealed. We see him now on the scene, but notice what is his worse nightmare and his worse is found in these words, WHOM THE LORD (The Lords Presence. The Holy Ghost. The Power of the Spirit of the Lord) shall DESTROY with THE SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH (With the Word of God in His Mouth which is THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT), and with THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS GLORY AT HIS COMING.
      Brothers and sisters it is to be noted that IF WE RESIST THE DEVIL HE WILL FLEE FROM US. He can only overcome those WHO REFUSE TO RESIST HIM. The reason for all this fuss and fight over the christian faith in America is because America for generations has been the city of God that has had within her gates over the years MUCH PEOPLE OF JESUS CHRIST IN THIS CITY. We are absolutely under DIRECT ATTACK in the spirit world by the spirit of AntiChrist to cause America to lose the presence of her GREAT CHRISTIAN SALT AND LIGHT MEASURE so that the devils prince can come on the worlds stage less resisted and have more free course. But if we in America will WAKE UP and be filled with the righteous warriors mentality and courage in faith in Jesus Name, IN HIS POWER AND AUTHORITY and Anointing, we will be one of those nations that the antChrist does not overcome and conquer. WE DO NOT HAVE TO LET SATAN RULE OUR NATION. But America, Satan is taking you on HEAD ON right now so that his son, the son of perdition and damnation can be revealed.
       How can WE THE PEOPLE resist the devil and the antiChrist? Well as we have already said in this light. We do as Jesus does (2 Thessalonians 2:8). We keep the Word of God in our mouths, the Sword of the Spirit in our fighting, speaking it, obeying it, believing it, and WE pray the Word of God in our prayers. 
     Doing these ABOVE things causes the glory of Gods great Salt and Light to be EFFECTIVE IN US AND IN OUR SOCIETY.  We also point that Word (GODS WORD OF TRUTH), the Sword of the Spirit which is the Finger of God directly at and against the devil and his serpents style movements that are hid in all kinds of lies and false fronts,  in deceivings and cover ups meant to deceive, and keep him at bay believing, upholding, and confessing the truth of Gods Word, living it and shouting it like a mother and fathers love would, who  with great determination shouts and wars with their mouth and strengths to get a vicious dog off their child's neck with IT IS WRITTEN......IT IS WRITTEN.....IT IS WRITTEN in the face of the devil and all his opposition just as Jesus did in Like 4:1-13), NO MATTER THE COST.
        But if we as the saints lay down the power, the Sword of the Word, and the force. If we as Christians get to weighed down with the cares and the affairs of this life as to not take up this mighty cross  that can resist and grieve and quench and cast out Satan and his fiery darts, then we by our own decisions have let down the only thing on earth in our life and in our nation that can withhold the devil from taking over our nation by the spirit of antChrist.      
     Jesus said of one devil and its work in a man and in a situation that THIS KIND CAN ONLY BE OVERCOME AND CAST OUT BY MY NAME MIXED WITH PRAYERS AND FASTINGS....
      America Note this truth. This truth is the Word of God. This truth is scripture and the scriptures cannot be broken or lie. And that scripture is this truth. RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU (James 4:7)....but resist him not and he will rise up more and more into our lives and into the scene of our society and of our nation until he may even one day sit in the throne of the American Presidency or as the head of the United Nations...see Ephesians 4:26-27 & Revelations 13:2). Scroll Down.
       American believers the power is in our hands. Church, the decision is ours to make. Heaven awaits our move and action and soberness to the redeeming of the times knowing these days are evil upon the earth. Will we lay down our God given power and authority? Will we not love the Lord and our high calling enough to resist the world and its gleam to serve the Lord in power and in the truth? Shall our children go down in history because we took our inheritance like the prodigal son did and lived foolishly on the earth in America and traded off Freedoms Glory for a few days of pleasure in the flesh? As generations before us resisted the evil for the next generation, we having mostly refused to resist have tried and done most every sin in the book and even dabbed in the black things of demons and arts of devils. SO WE MUST BACK UP AND REPENT and bring forth the fruits of repentance and make the NEW DECISION TO LIVE FOR THE GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST steadfast to the end unto the final course and hearing of these words in that hour, WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. You repented. You overcame. You Resisted what you use to not. Enter ye into the Joy of the Lord.......Amen.....deno......please share freely.


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