Thursday, July 3, 2014

This Vision God Gave Me (Part 8)....deno......please share freely.

       After God had caused me to fly into by body in the Vision and to become one with the deno that He had been showing me in the Vision and behind the pulpit (See parts 1-7 to understand) something new happened in the Vision. 
     In this Vision, from the moment Gods Power came upon me on my bed on into the Vision itself, that incredible Power never left me. It was tangible to my touch the full duration of the Vision. While I was standing behind that pulpit in that power my attention was suddenly drawn to the left by the sound of people. When I looked left, I could supernaturally see thru the walls of the sanctuary into other rooms. As I was looking to my left, seeing thru a wall, I saw about 30 women  in a room to my left. Now what Im about to write I write even shaking. I personally have no stone to throw at anyone and would probably get spanked by the Lord if I tried to because of all the grace and mercy He has shown me and my life. I am one that has been FORGIVEN MUCH. I have been shown GREAT MERCY AND LONG-SUFFERING. So I am in no wise casting a stone at any one, but this was in the Vision, so I have to share it. It has its lesson and it has its place and light for all of us.
     When I looked to my left, I was able to supernaturally look thru the walls of that church into the other rooms. In one of those rooms were several women. I guess around 30 or so. Somehow God enhanced my hearing and I could hear some of the things that those women IN THE CHURCH were saying and talking about. Friends from the Holy Ghost, and not from deno, those women were speaking of things and saying things that God never intended for the mothers of His holy offspring to come into this world, to ever utter ever out of their mouths EVER. We think that words are but words, and chat is but chat. But to God words are to be precious and never to be as idle. And the mouth of both man and woman was not created to utter filth and the vulgarities of the mouth that we of this wicked and unfaithful generation speak forth as if there is no fear of God in the land or in many churches. These women IN THE CHURCH were wicked in the tongue. They had never been taught to watch their tongues,  or they lost sight of 1 Peter 3:1-6 and James 1:26 and Matthew 12:34-37 SCRIPTURES THAT WE ALL NEED TO READ and take to heart.
       Yes, these ladies that I was empowered by God to see and hear their chatter, they were church going ladies, but they spoke the language of demonic delights and of sinful pleasure with laughter, having lost conviction of the heart and of the conscience thru the deceitfulness of sin and of sins popularity in this generation. Having lost sight of the presence of God.....
     Well we men are no better. Many of us do this and worse. But the woman is holy unto God. She is the garden for the planting of children (GODS OFFSPRING). She has the sacred ground of that which is Holy unto the Lord in her bosom. She is the living precious dust for the precious fruit of the earth. She came forth from Adam but we all come forth from the sacred ground within her. She is holy unto the Lord....But when she has turned vile and has lost sight of her moral sanctity to God as precious, holy, and sacred, and when she has lost sight of the Word that a gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in the sight of God, but prefers rather to roar as a lion and spit out poison as the asp, she to has suffered in the sight of God great loss in the midst of a deceiving great gain in this world that applauds sin instead of rebuking wrong. 
      I heard a man of God years ago say, that the way women go morally there goes man and there is set in motion the course of the morality of a nation and their children to come. For the woman holds the key to her own purity and to the sanctity of her own children that were all meant to belong to the Holy One of Israel.. But when she has lost that key by the deceitful pleasure of sin, and gave it to the lust of the violent and desires of the beast of this world, she then has become the harlot of end time moral leadership as seen in the morality found in Revelations 17:1-18 that rains down the judgement's of God. She fears not God. She does like Lucifer did, she despises her once established place and first created position and wonders off and away from it to sit upon thrones that God from the beginning did not intend for her. But as she did in the beginning, so has she now wondered off into that which God forbids and speaks evil and blasphemes in the sight of the living God and says and partakes of things God forbidden.  She doesn't even blush anymore.
      Friends, Women, Men, I'm speaking to all of us in the Spirit of grace,  if we allow our mouths to just speak anything and everything with no caution and with no restraint, we then have no rule to govern morality. For if we do not watch our tongues, but speak as the world wills and as Satan wills, we then will never have control over our spirit or our body, and from sin to more sin, unto even more sin we go, until our last state is worse than the first.
     God forgive us all and may we all together in these last days, learn as God wills us to learn to watch our tongues and to be holy unto the Lord each and everyone of us in Christ. Amen.....more to come in PART 9.....deno.....please share freely.


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