Friday, July 25, 2014

The AntChrist, And He Made War Against The Saints and Prevailed Over Them......please share freely......deno

     Revelations 13:6-7)...and it was given unto the antiChrist a great mouth opened wide to blaspheme God and His Sons truth and grace on earth to demean the blood of their sanctification and of the everlasting covenant. To defame the name of the Son of God and His gospel and grace and worship, and to discredit the heavenly host and Godhead. 
     7) NOTE THIS...and it was given unto the antiChrist to resist and war against the saints and their influence in society and upon the earth, and to tear down the structure of the christian faith in the hearts and minds of the people of the end time age. Then after being successful in this truth erasing and gospel eroding endeavor in his attacks against the christian faith and against the saints and their influence in society and in the nations, he trampled over the light and salt of the earth with his lies and deceiving schemes, works, and miracles for the people in all the nations that he came to take down and to deceive were ripe for his harvesting lies for they had become as drifters upon the earth having no anchor point in themselves to hold them to the truth that is in Christ Jesus, and to the precious things His blood, death, and resurrection speaks.....scroll down.
      And in their darkness they could not see, and in their dulness of hearing they could not hear the voice of the Son of God no more and their house was left them desolate of the truth for the believing and acceptance of the antiChrist subtleties and lies.....2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, vs 11...And for this cause God gave them over unto STRONG DELUSION in the antiChrist wine so that they should be drunken in his flatteries and to rejoice in the lying one and his lies and false light.  vs 10, For they rejected and had cast forth from themselves the love of the truth that was in Christ Jesus that could have saved them. vs 12) Therefore they were deceived by him that had made war with the christians and the gospel of Jesus Christ and damnation followed them into hell and into the lake of fire......please share freely......deno.

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