Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Vision God Gave Me.....(Part 9).....deno.....please share freely.

      As I was in the Spirit of the Lords presence and power, enabled by Him to see thru the walls of that church's sanctuary into the room where those CHURCH GOING ladies were, as God empowered and enhanced my hearing to hear what those women were uttering out their mouth, God did a work of His grace and of His Spirit in my belly in the area of feelings for lack of a better way to express this. You know we all have what we call or say is our FEELINGS about things. We are a very trained HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS OR ABOUT THAT PEOPLE. We say things like, Hey Bob, what do YOU FEEL LIKE DOING ?, or, Hey Sis what do YOU FEEL LIKE eating? or we say in a business deal, How does that offer FEEL TO YOU? We make so many decisions these days so much merely on the bases of HOW WE FEEL. You may feel that you want her, but she is married. Those feelings could end up destroying you and her. They are misleading. They are deceitful.
     Present human feelings cannot be our faithful guide in every situaltion. That is why God, dealing with fallen man, had to give us Laws and Rules to combat our deceitful lust/desires/feelings. Our image has been warped from it's original state. Jesus said, We are evil yet we are living creatures. Our feelings and emotions and desires are mostly of evil and not HOLY. So God has to give us HIS THOU SHALT NOT LAWS to keep evil from having FULL COURSE, or sin and Satan would literally run over the world.
      And feelings in their original place were given us of God and were all HOLY FEELINGS when we were first created. The bible reveals to us that after God had created everything, it tells us that He looked at all He had made (Including our FEELINGS/EMOTIONS) and God said it was all VERY GOOD. So all our feelings and emotions in the beginning all lined up with a Holy Gods very good measure and HOLY standard and our feelings and emotions mixed with and agreed with God our Makers FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS.
      But friends something happened when Adam and Eve sinned. Something went terribly wrong. Their sin effected all of us that were to come into this world. Their transgression greatly effected the delicate balance that connected God to man and heavens perfections to earth, and a curse touched everything God had given man by their sin that unleashed the curse and the prince of evil and of darkness into our world. Our spirits were negatively effected. Our bodies image was negatively effected. The original image of our emotions and feelings were negatively effected. Love was turned into beast type lust much like what we see in the animal world. We lost our original holy image and we had to have our eyes re-opened and we had to be taught anew about being trustworthy and it's great importance, and about what being holy is and means, because those things, though we possessed those holy jewels in our original state, when Adam and Eve sinned we lost all that heavenly, glistening holy shine and so much more. 
     And we kept on losing things as death was eroding and making its paths in us. We kept losing and losing so much of our original image and our original knowings, that it wasn't long that we lost sight of God and lost the knowledge of God and of the truth that we were created. How many times has lost man said, Why am I here? How did I get here? What is the purpose of life? On and on the lost man wonders in the darkness, having lost, in the beginning, the glory of the light of life Himself, his Maker, The Son of God, Jesus Christ (John 1:1-14).
      Even with all our feelings, even with all our emotions, our feelings and our emotions cannot by themselves tell us about our true origin, nor the truth about the one true God. This is easy to see being that there exist so many DIFFERENT BELIEFS about God in all the different cultures in the world, in the  world of LOST MAN. About what is God. Who God is. What He looks like. If our feelings and our emotions had the power to tell us all the truth about who God is, then we would all come to the SAME CONCLUSION. But our FEELINGS TODAY under the effects of the great curse cannot be trusted to reveal to us these great things. Paul called our present human desires, feelings, and emotions THE DECEITFUL LUST in the scriptures (See Ephesians 4:22). That means we do not really feel as we should feel about many things and that our present state and our present feelings/desires/emotions can deceive us. We cannot bank on them.
     We shouldn't want another mans wife, or that other woman's husband or goods, but we have a FEELING roaming around in us that says I WANT THAT. I WANT THOSE THINGS. Are those FEELINGS holy? Are those FEELINGS right and proper? Are those FEELINGS powerful enough to tell us the truth of what is right in Gods sight verses what is wrong? NO they cannot. That is why Paul called our feelings/emotions and present human desires unholy and the DECEITFUL LUST. You cannot bank on anything deceitful to tell you or reveal to you truth about anything. It will lead you with its lies into lying wonders and incorrect conclusions. Like one man said, I am a woman trapped in a mans body. Then he was asked, how in the world do you figure that? He says, it is just the way I FEEL.         
      Friends that right there is manifestations of cursed feelings and cursed/warped/deformed emotions and images. That is THE DECEITFUL LUST curse so clearly manifested. And all have been effected by it in this way and in other ways. The list goes on.
                                       *   *   *   *   *   *   *
       Well in that Vision as I was standing in the Power of God looking at those ladies and hearing those church going women  speaking of things so sinful and wicked that God never intended for women (church going or not) to have EVER UTTERED such words out of their mouth and into the world, listening to them I was able to have my own natural human FEELINGS about what was going on. Evil begets evil. Sin likes sin. We men could listen to women talk a certain way to the turn on or to the turn off, depending on how they get to our DECEITFUL LUST MEASURE. 
      We are deceived by the deceitful lust to think He does enjoy those things, and we are deceived by the deceiver himself if we believe He does. We don't really know the God we say and profess that we know, if we think God laughs at sinful jokes, and rejoices in the pleasure of sin and darkness, and that He dances to all those sinful songs that our society has fallen in love with because they tickle our DECEITFUL LUST/FEELINGS AND WRONG CRAVINGS and our FANTASIES.
        Folks as I was watching and listening to those women speak so evil, sensual, and wickedly (though we in this world by the deceitful lust cheer such conversation on as we seek sins delights and pleasure), right in the middle of hearing them, God did something to me that I would never forget. How He did it I do not know fully. I just know that He did by THE TASTE OF THE SWITCH. 
      All of the sudden for His own purpose in me, for a few HOLY SECONDS, MAYBE 15 seconds or so, God somehow put my feelings to the side and placed a hefty portion of HIS FEELINGS INSIDE MY HEART AND BELLY and He caused me to taste HIS FEELINGS about what those women were saying and talking about. I almost like fainted. The awe was to great. IT LIKE TOOK MY BREATH if you know what I mean by that. It was almost as if God was blushing like. He was not blazing Angry. He was not filled with wrath as if He wanted to rain down fire upon those ladies. God was like embarrassed. I haven't the right words to describe His Holiness.. He was grieved yes, but He still loved them. Almost as if He was in shock and awe at their lax to sin and to say such wicked sinful chatter without shame.
      I guess if you go and study what Isaiah went thru you can maybe better see what I, in my simpleness, am trying to say. In Isaiah 6 we see that when Isaiah the prophet saw the Lord high and lifted up in much of His Glory, Isaiah said, in verse 5) Woe is me, for I am undone. Well (I know what that feels like. It is hard for me to put it into words, but I know by the feeling of it, the taste of the Spirit of the Lord what that means to be undone by the presence of the Lord and His Holy FEELINGS. It is just hard to describe in words. But Isaiah said as He experienced the Lord in that way, Woe is me , for I am undone because I am  a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people (Gods People-Israel-The Chosen) of unclean lips, for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Host. I did not see the Lord that day, but He did let me taste with my heart and my belly His Feelings about what those ladies in that church were saying and it UNDID ME. I WAS UNDONE.  For a little while I was in the awe of the Lord and of how holy and pure and innocent He really is and tasted real Holy Love and Emotion.
     Folks God is pure white light perfect glorious purity. He is holy. He is light. He is glistening White. Whiter than any white known to man. He is so pure. Without sin. In God is no sin or darkness at all. He is so Holy that my words cannot do near the justice He deserves in describing How GREAT AND HOW PURE AND HOW HOLY AND HOW INNOCENT GOD REALLY IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND EVER SHALL BE. Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
      Oh how many of us do grieve the Lord and quench Him because we are so blind to who He really is and what He is really like. Sort of like how Israel was blind to the Lord and to Who He really was in the hour of their visitation. When He came down from heaven and was found walking amongst them, they knew Him not, understood Him not, and eventually cast Him off from them thru the rejection of the Cross. 
     We sin and laugh about sin as if it is a lite thing. He could not and would not ever laugh about sin.  We say words that God in all His eternity has never ever once uttered out His mouth. We lie. He cannot. We steal, He would never steal. We are unfaithful. He is always faithful and just. 
     God is Love. Pure Light, Holy and way, way, way more innocent than any child. Let us all learn to love Him. Let us all learn to please Him more and more and stop sinning with our mouths. God is listening. The Holy God of Israel hears and is amongst us. Scroll down.
     Jesus said, Every idle word that people speak they shall give an account for those words in the day of judgement. Would you please take the time to go back and read Ephesians 4:22-32....Ladies, let all watch what they speak. Men, let us all watch what we let proceed out of our mouth.....God Bless You My Friend. And please pray that I fully submit and surrender my all to the grace of God in my life....more on the Vision in part 10).....deno....please share freely.

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