Wednesday, February 4, 2015

...But they allowed it not (Updated)......share freely....deno

Deno Smith's photo.

........It amazed me when I saw this. God chose Israel to be His very own specially blessed people on the earth to represent Him and His Name and Goodness to all of mankind and to bring thru them by HIS SON, HIS SALVATION TO ALL THE WORLD. He moved upon them with divine favor and motivated their allegiance and their obedience to Him with all the high and mighty covenant promises that we read in Deuteronomy 28. He said, Love the Lord your God. Obey my commands and statutes and be faithful. Serve only Me and put My Word first in your life to obey my Words and I the Lord, I Swear I will make you the GREATEST MOST POWERFUL AND MOST WEALTHIEST PEOPLE AND NATION ON EARTH. You will be the head and not the tail. You will be above only and not beneath. You will be a people in this land rich and flowing with My Milk and My Honey and all the nations of the earth will favor you and call you GODS BLESSED NATION, HIS PECULIAR PEOPLE.
.......But Satan came against Israel the people of God and tempted them over and over again (persistent to his cause) and the children of Israel over and over and over again sinned against God. Satan by all kinds of means he turned Israels heart from God to serve idols and they over and over again committed physical and spiritual adulteries and suffered the hard ways of the transgressors instead of the blessed smooth ways of the obedient. They suffered great losses instead of the great gains God wanted for them, being robbed by the liar, the deceiver and the thief that led them astray. 
.......They even became lost in themselves and in their religion and scripture interpretations. Jesus confirmed this when he said, I have been sent to the LOST SHEEP of the house of Israel, and that their leaders, their shepherds were blind. They became losers instead of being the greatest WINNERS on earth that God so desired for them to be as revealed in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 as His people and as His representation on earth. Instead of being and becoming the super blessed by God, being tempted by Satan and deceived to sin against God in so many ways they became the super oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). A people who were supposed to be so filled with God and His light as Gods chosen people, had become a people so filled with the works and the darkness of the devil. All thru-out Israel Jesus was having to cast out his enemy Satan who had possessed His people, His nation.
.......All the great good that God wanted to do for them and for their children, they allowed it not (Matthew 23:37-38). They allowed it not by sin, by unbelief, by omitting the weightier matters, and by shallow thinking. They became so small minded and lazy in the things of and in God that they ended up asleep and sitting in darkness in need of great light and of a great awakening, even in need of a total spiritual rebirthing by the formation of a New Covenant so that they could start all over again with God. 
.......A New Covenant better for them than the first one. A New and Better Covenant established by an even higher level of speaking mouth of God proclaiming even BETTER PROMISES than the old ones. A New Covenant where the wrath of God against their first covenant transgressions was swallowed completely up removing all enmity between them and God so making peace. A new covenant of EVERLASTING PEACE & MERCY to them who make peace and to them who are themselves merciful and call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ their Redeemer. But amazingly so, Satan again so filled them and so blinded them, that again THEY ALLOWED IT NOT. (Matthew 23:37-39).
.......Friends, even so it is with many of us GODS PEOPLE IN CHRIST TODAY. How often Jesus wanted to gather us unto himself and bless us beyond our highest dreams, but over and over again Satan came and tempted us by all means after the flesh like he did Israel in their hour and instead of really resisting Satan as Jesus did, we chose the pleasure of sin more than the honor of God seen in His promises to those who resist the devil and obey Jesus Christ faithfully.....But still yet friends, we have this standing promise....IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND SEEK MY FACE AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS AND PRAY. THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND THEN WILL I HEAL THEM AND THEIR LAND.....deno......share freely.
Deno Smith's photo.
Let us repent. Let us believe and Let us OBEY GOD.

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