Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jesus On Trial In America.......deno......share freely.

       Our Lord, His Words, His Doctrines, His Integrity, His Healing Power and Virtue, His Faith, His Love, His Purpose, His Cause, His Light, His Message has all been on TRIAL before. All these above mentioned things and all Jesus is and said which God calls the Unfailing Word of TRUTH was so powerful and so TRUE in Him that even after they had rejected Him, took their united stand against Him and crucified and buried Him to remove he and his message from the earth, GODS TRUTH IN JESUS was SO TRUE and SO RIGHT that not one jot that he spoke, nor one tittle that he expressed could not be put out nor fail to be, or to happen, or come to pass. He rose back up three days later proving to all just how TRUE HE IS AND JUST HOW TRUE HIS WORDS ARE. He fore told to his disciples EXACTLY what was about to happen to him in Jerusalem, about how they would reject him and crucify him and three days later he would RISE AGAIN AND IT ALL WENT EXACTLY AS HE SAID IT WOULD.
        This anti Christ, anti Christian movement which we and our risen Lord are going thru in present America, and this which we his followers are experiencing from the LEFT called the humanist and the Liberals, and from this unbelieving mob and government that has cast off Jesus and the Christians Heritage of America, none of this is strange territory to Jesus. He has been thru it all before. It's all going to go and to end exactly as Jesus said it would. This antiChrist, anti Christian movement will eventually peak. Jesus said it would. When it does peak Jesus said we his followers would be hated by all nations because we believe and belong to Christ. And in their united move against Jesus and against us they will try to bury us so that their delusions can prosper and their fantasies bloom and blossom, but God is going to command the stone to be rolled away again and Christianity in America and even all the nations of the world will be filled with the glory of Jesus Christ once and for all never to be buried or muzzled or silenced ever again. These are Jesus' Words and they shall not fail no matter what the world says or does or tries to do. Jesus Is Lord.
         That is why it is so important that Christ and His Righteousness, and Christianity, The Church make a big come back in America like a mighty resurrection. The God of the resurrection can make this happen for all things are possible with God and to those WHO BELIEVE. We must do our part to obey the Lord and to ask Him for this nation afresh and mean it (Psalms 2:7-8 read the entire chapter.
         Jesus said to Paul these comforting words, He said, preach on Paul and do so without fear FOR I HAVE MANY PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE AND BELONG TO ME IN THIS CITY. Well Jesus has millions and millions that believe and belong to Him in our nation. We all must now unite as ONE MIGHTY VOICE and shout His Message Afresh to this lost and fallen and back sliden generation. Let us BELIEVE and FEAR NOT and in spiritual warfare fulfill verses 8-12 of Psalms 2, defending our Lord against those who persecute Him in this nation.....deno.....share freely.

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