Tuesday, February 10, 2015

So Much Our Generation Has To Relearn......deno....share freely.

     So much our generation has to relearn...The present American society has been formed by evil and sins glorification to do and to love exactly the opposite of these words that were written by the apostle Paul for our warning. God we need a Holy Ghost, return to holiness revival in our hearts and in our nation. How much more ungodly, unloving and wicked can this nation become? Even now so many follow Christ for worldly gains and for fame and not unto holiness. Blessings without holiness are deceptions and delusions. Blessings without holiness are Luke 4:5-8 in subtle disguises). The spirit of the world says, whats in your wallet? The Spirit of the Lord says, whats in your heart?

    1 Corinthians 10:5-12) vs 5) But with most of them God was not pleased, for their bodies were overthrown and scattered in the wilderness. 6) Now all these things that happened to them became our warning signs and our warning examples, to the intent that we should not lust as to crave after the evil things as they lusted after. 7) And do not become idol worshipers as were some of them, As it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink (Party appetites) and ROSE UP TO PLAY (TO SIN against themselves and against God following deceiving spirits). 8) Nor let us commit sexual immorality as some of them did, and in one day God judged and destroyed twenty three thousand of them with His rebuke of that way. 9) nor let us tempt or provoke Christ the Lord as some of them did and were destroyed by sent snakes to strike them down. 10) NOR should we gripe, grumble, or complain as some of them complained and were destroyed by the destroyer. 11) Now all these things for real happened to those people for an warning sign and an example to us, and they were written and these events recorded in the scriptures to warn us upon whom the end of the world is nearing. 12) So we say all that to also say this, Let those who think they stand take another real good look at themselves and how they act, live, talk and speak lest they fall.

     So what is preached in your pulpit, so called gospel gains and good news pleasure without holiness? Jesus' first words were REPENT (be grieved of your sins and ask God to forgive you, turn from them and return to Holiness) and secondly he said, And believe the good news. So many of us must be re taught the right ways of the Lord. Faith without love and faith without holiness is a false gospel.

    When preaching about the need and the call to holiness is like a sour note in the pulpit, as if unwelcomed chatter, the wrong spirit is at work. God, the one true God is Holy and He cannot change or altar his holiness. He always always preaches, Be ye Holy for I am holy and He can never ever compromise this. Those words are a vital part of the TRUE FOUNDATION of Jesus Christ. If the Jesus or the spirit you listen to gets disturbed about this saying, RUN no matter how beautiful things look or appear to be.....deno.....share freely.

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