Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Way To Full Satisfaction. The Way Unto The True Blessings By Jesus Christ.....deno.....share freely..

      Not Living by this scripture could very well be what your soul is lacking and that is often times why there is still that emptiness, that constant thirst and dissatisfaction inside you. You try every thing you know to try to fill that void, even try to drink and party it out of you, run it out, even sin it out, even church it out, but still that nagging just want go away. As long as they are crying out and you are still walking on by ignoring them and their needs, God is not happy with you. How could He be? God is love. He put His Spirit and His love in your heart so that He could dwell, walk, live, express, and work, and light up the world thru you. Your selfishness and your hardened heart grieves God and you fill that dissatisfaction, that restlessness in your spirit where the Lord resides. 
       There is more satisfaction given the soul by God to a person who lives to meet others needs than those who are the worlds gluttons, who think every thing in the book is all about them, whose souls are empty and miserable and who cram drugs and alcohol inside themselves, and indulge themselves into pleasure seeking and living to have some form of inward delusional company from their false deceiving highs and intoxications. But so so many of them dry up on the vine of life, worn out, diseased, and made even deader and dryer in the soul from all that deceived them and they thirst, oh how they still so thirst. You cannot touch the fires that flicker from sin, Satan, and from hell and not get wrinkled all up, worn out, and burned.
      But read again the ENTIRETY of that scripture Isaiah 58:1-14 & Ephesians 4:28 in your bible. This is from the bread that came down from heaven for a life of God blessed, God purposed, full satisfaction and joy of heart and soul. This is one of the GOOD WORKS we were CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS TO DO which God before ordained for us that we should live doing them (Ephesians 2:2-10)...deno......share freely.

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