Saturday, February 14, 2015

When God Filled Me With His Spirit In My Car. Be Edified. Be Blessed........More of my testimony......deno

       JUST UPDATED THIS........When God filled me with the Holy Spirit in my car that day it was for real like a rushing mighty wind. My spirit was empowered that day but my mind and my understanding was still so much in the dark about heavenly or spiritual things. Often times I have said about all these happenings, I wonder what this means or what that means? It was like there was a war going on against my perception of these things striving hard against me to keep my understanding in the dark concerning them.  And then the Serpent, you know,  that old dragon called the devil showed up.
.......And Satan, when he showed up to tempt and to take me on, he tossed and flipped me all over the place. I had no idea what was going on, nor did I understand why deno suddenly became an attraction and a target for the spiritual gun sites of demons and evil spirits to show up and war with. I was heavily in the light in my spirit, but I was so deep in the darkness in my mind and friends that is an awful miserable place and situation to be in for Gods people, yes Gods people the bible says, are even destroyed because of their lack of knowledge. In my case it was a major lack of spiritual knowledge, heavenly things (John 3:9-12) and spiritual understanding.
.......My childish idea of resisting the devil in those days was basically just show up at church a couple of times a week as if the SHOWING UP ITSELF contained some mysterious resisting the devil power to it, and reading a couple of verses of  the bible in bed at THE END OF THE DAY which most of the time in those days I fell asleep while doing so. Then the Lord in his gentle kindness and great mercy showed me that one of the first demons he cast out was in a man right there in the synagogue, right in the congregation of the people of God and how Satan is also a scripture reader and quoter. So much for my going to and just showing up to church theology power.
...... Well from that light, there went my kindergarten spiritual babe size theology. It was time to go on to bigger and better things and for years and years God has been at work with me and believe me, he has exercised a whole whole lot of love, grace, patience and mercy with me, not by religion, but in a Father in Son in child relationship fellowship. All that i have done and all that Ive went thru and been thru in all of this, had I been under the law I would not have survived the intense fire of this friction, but because it was wrought under grace and love, backed by strong intercessions going on for us at the right hand of God, and was from a Father in Son in child of God relationship I had all of God for me and never one time in all of it against me.  THANK GOD. Now He has often times raised the rod but I deserved every mark and I cherish all of them because I know, I need no man to tell me for I know He did it all because He so loved......
........ A WHOLE THRONE ROOM FULL OF GRACE is the measure of the grace and mercy. He had to because I was a special spiritual ed kind of kid in the faith. Sometimes stubborn and so hard headed, so shallow and simple, and contaminated with a strong selfish self will having been said to all my life these words, Well what are you going to be when you grow up? From our youth we have all been trained for idolatry and we are the idols we so worship and obey. We mostly follow our own dreams, our own desires and ambitions. We strive and are pushed by the evil prince of pride & self exaltation to do all we can to make ourselves look fit for applause, for praise, for pleasure, and for worship of friends and peers and from the world, to stand out some way as if to sit and reign from the thrones we have built from the materials of our own vain egos. Satans kids thrones, HELLO. 

........We do all this self worship from the evil spirit that spawns from the DO WHAT THOU WILL UPBRINGING ALL OVER THIS NATION, when all the while all of heaven has been famished by the lack of CROSS BEARING and self living sacrifice that is so needed to experience the deeper and broader realities of God in us, with us, for us in our nation and on the earth.
....... Spank Spank was Gods communication to me many many a times in this adventure because of the stronghold of a stubborn self will that I had so wrapped within me. I had a difficult time committing to anything other than goofing off, having fun and seeking a good time. Seems all I wanted to do was have a whole lot of fun in life and take nothing to seriously until my clay God began to press upon and my gold He set on fire to refine over many years according to His plan and not mine. I have had to be broken down, some due to a hard head and hardness of heart and learn to submit and to surrender my self to God with so much in me that so often screamed back NO. Friends I know God is merciful, full of compassion, glorious is his kindness and rich in longsuffering as the most tender and loving Father for such God has been to me. Father in Jesus name THANK YOU and thank you for not giving up on me thru all these many seasons.
....... Friends oh how I thank God my dad our preacher, when he was with us taught and showed me and my brother and sisters how much God is love and how much He really does love us his children in Christ. He went to the Cross for us and as discomforting as that was and because of our need and because He loves us so much he endured the Cross. Well changing  several thousands of dirtied spiritual diapers of baby deno he handled with the same love FOR EVEN YEARS.
...... To be filled with the Holy Spirit in the heart, in the spirit and yet be so Carnal in your mind, in your thinking is so clashing against itself (Even can be depressing after a while). I was like a kingdom divided against two selfs and how for years I found it hard to stand up due to all my stumbling. I had so so much to learn. Still Do. But not as a job, or for a career move,  no not at all, but as a child of God in Christ loved so greatly by a mighty loving God our Father, who yearns to be loved by His children and to do everything together with them with Jesus always as Lord. For we all honor the Son even as the Father honors Christ. Look at the Cross friends. Jesus surely is SO DESERVING OF ALL OUR LOVE AND PRAISE, AND HONOR, AND GLORY, AND WISDOM, AND GLADNESS AND ALL RICHES.

........Do you know Him and His love (Ephesians 1:3-6) or are you the one weighed down with religion with no relationship? If you cannot come boldly to the throne of your God. If you cannot crawl up and sit in your heavenly Fathers lap in His chiefest seat in His place of business, then you do not know (rightly or more perfectly) the heart of the greatest loving Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His perfect love really known and really understood casteth out tormenting fears (Read Ephesians 3:14-21). Pray this prayer often. I have and continue to do.
........Maybe you have a problem with pride and with humbling yourself as a little child to ENTER SUCH MEASURES OF SO GREAT LOVE EXPRESSED thru the glorious acceptance (Ephesians 1:2-8)  and peace given us thru Christ by the justification which is by faith (Romans 5:1). Believe me, I understand that but I also have learned this. Jesus said to us all,  And  he that overcometh (said Jesus), him while I grant to sit with me IN MY THRONE even as I have overcome and AM SEATED TOGETHER with My Father in HIS THRONE. For God so loved....He really did....and He really does.
....... Friends our spirit is one thing and our minds are another and our bodies are even another. Gods Spirit walks with and in one of those. He teaches and opens the understanding of one of the remaining two, AND HE OFTEN TIMES REBUKES, AND DISCIPLINES, AND CHASTISES THE OTHER PART FOR HIS SINFUL STUBBORNNESS AND FOR HIS SELF CONTROL ISSUES....Paul prayed, And I pray that God will sanctify all your parts, spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). Most of our problem as Christians is not so much as in the spirit but in OUR MINDS and all the warfare that goes own to dominate and to control that territory and it's perceptions and spiritual sight....Thank you Jesus for this Holy Spirits breath of fresh air and its grace.......deno.....share freely.

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