Monday, November 17, 2014

America Immersed in Satanism....share freely.......deno

       You want the truth? I want answers. You sure you want the truth? Yes I want the truth. Son you can't handle the truth. Friend we live in a world of walls and those walls are filled with delusions and deceptions. Your country is filled with it today. They left the truth for the king of all lies, false fronts, and deceptions for monetary gain and fame a long time ago. Under radar and yet Right in front of you Satan and his gangs are every where singing and making their melodies in your hearts deceiving your minds with magic and music, with movies and toys, and wonderlands of amusement parks......
        Are you blind? Have you not noticed lately in America the rise of Jesus and Christian opposition? You cannot tell me that you have not noticed this. Prayer out of school. The promotion of lies and false religions to weaken what is the divine truth and confuse what is real bible faith.... One nation under God being removed. In God We Trust Slandered. Pressurings to not speak or pray in Jesus Name publicly in the public squares. Take Christ out of Christmas. Sins glorification, sins beautiful promotions and alluring appealing advertisements....
       Son heed these words, it is the spirit of the devil, of the antichrist in your every neighborhood flowing thru out your nation, and right  now in America you have a generation that is loving that spirit and it's dark ways more than light. They are loving what is wrong and of evil, craving it, even wanting more of it. They've become sin and darkness addicts addicted to the pleasures of sin and of darkness tantalizing tickling amusements and dark magic. Look at your movies. What are they full of? They are filled with Sin, Sex, Dark Magic, Sorcery, Violence and the glory thereof. 
       Have you not noticed how this latest generation is mostly all acting like heathens, unruly demons and devils with no limits to their sinful cravings, indulgences, and the violence of the people and the lack of love and respect for law and authority.....? 
       What , you thought Satan was going to come at you in plain sight, looking and acting like Dracula or a Frankenstein or some grotesque monster? No, he is to sly and to deceiving to do that. He will look, act, sing and dance, and smile like an Elvis, a Michael Jackson, or a Micky Mouse, or the sweetest person in all the world saying love love love and peace peace peace. But inside he is a ruthless beast, a roaring lion seeking by his MANY false front all he may devour......share freely......deno.
You want the truth? I want answers. You sure you want the truth? Yes I want the truth. Son you can't handle the truth. Friend we live in a world of walls and those walls are filled with delusions and deceptions. Your country is filled with it today. They left the truth for the king of all lies a long time ago. Right in front of you Satan and his gangs are every where singing and making their melodies in your hearts deceiving your minds with magic and music, with movies and to...
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