Friday, November 14, 2014

Kids Gone Crazy. Streets On FIre. What Else????........deno.......share freely.

       Kids gone crazy and shooting school mates in schools. Streets on fire. Girls gone wilder than ever before. Thugs destroying souls with dope and unbridled sin. Uprisings in the streets. Men living without honor or integrity. Music and so many movies that heaven does not applaud nor recognize from all the races. Jesus being insulted and mocked like never before in our nation. False ways, false gods, and false religions on the rise. Foreigners invading our southern boarders illegally. A President and his party welcoming the invasion and fighting against us and the Law of the Constitution so to make these illegal aliens citizens illegally for political gain for the future democrats party votes no matter the heavy burdening weight that this wrong, this lawlessness brings upon the backs of the true citizens of America. All this is Lawlessness and betrayal all in one. America you are under attack from without and from within. Are you deaf, dumb, and blind to what is happening to YOUR COUNTRY??????????????????
        When foreigners invade and take over countries they change the traditional ways of that nation and change and transform ITS CONSTITUTION to their foreign ideas and wants.....A Change is coming to America one said. He also said, We are about to fundamentally transform and change America....He and His Party (The Communist of America) are all together in this forbidden bed of unfaithfulness to Americas Laws and Constitution to take over and change our Constitution and Our Nation to the Communist way of life. They rose to power under radar and behind many fronts and loads of lies that deceive, because so many Americans were to busy living their lives and while they slept at the wheel they were from within politically invaded. ObamaCare is their secret weapon for the takeover of Communism over America....WAKE UP PATRIOTS....He and His ObamaCare must be repealed....America how many lies do you have to hear and catch them in before you realize what they are doing?????.......They have disguised themselves for so long and told so many lies to cover up that they no longer hardly know or remember the truth......deno.....share freely.

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