Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God Was First To Use Self Defense. He Invented It. Explained......deno.......share freely.

       Think about it. God was the first to ever use SELF DEFENSE. We know that for all of eternity God and His kingdom had only known sweet peace and all were far from oppression. But in His creating of creatures many of them He designed and blessed with the sacred gift of FREE WILL. We know by the spirit of understanding that God created creatures with the sacred gift of total independent free will because God desired true satisfying fellowship and not robotic reaction. He desired the conversation and the talk back, as long as it was sinless and from purity in love.
        Now from histories view point we know that Lucifer using his own independent free will gift did the unthinkable. He eventually chose the wrong door and path and he rebelled against God. In that rebellion i seems that what Lucifer and all of heavens creatures did not know was that God had a SELF DEFENSE side and He had SELF DEFENSE moves that the creatures did not even know existed in God for none of them had ever seen such mighty moves of God like that before. Also they did not know that PERFECT LOVE could become filled with justified anger, we call it the wrath of God......
         God (Perfect Love Himself) when Satan rebelled and attacked God and His throne and authority, He put self defense moves on Lucifer so lightning fast that Lucifer didn't even really know what happened to him until he woke up later kicked out of heaven wondering what in the world happened. Jesus was there. Jesus that came down to us from heaven saw it all and he told us, I beheld Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
        Well friends, God, PERFECT LOVE HIMSELF, knows that sometimes SELF DEFENSE and the enforcement of Law by force is of necessity. He knows that in the present creation there are some seriously real evil, mean, unruly, lawless, ruthless, wicked, brutal, rebellious, hateful and hate filled, self serving beast like, thieving beings, spirits, and hearts in people that do not respect law or authority as Satan himself lost sight of. They, like Lucifer are filled with much envy and jealousy against others as Lucifer was filled with that same envious spirit against God and His glory and honor. They live rebellious unruly undisciplined lives. They roam as beast serving their own lust and wicked cravings having hearts of stone from which they bring havoc and terror upon society, on people, and on the world. It is these beast of the Beast that force the law abiding to WITH FORCE go into SELF DEFENSE MODE even as God (PERFECT LOVE HIMSELF) did in heaven. To the righteous and to the law abiding and to the Law enforcers God is saying He understands. He was the first to go into SELF DEFENSE MODE.....deno.....share freely.

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