Sunday, November 23, 2014

Genesis....In The Beginning Inspirations of Hope......deno.......share freely.

      In the book of beginnings (Genesis) we see in the very first 3 verses that the Spirit of the Lord MOVED FIRST and then afterwards came the results. The Spirit moved, then the Spirit said (Preached), and then results beyond measure that are still being calculated by men today took place (New Creations).....Prayer. God cause the Spirit of the Lord to move upon America and the nations afresh.. God make us your people in Christ Jesus fountains of the Holy Spirit. Rivers of the Living water. Springs of the Holy Ghost and pour Your Spirit afresh on this generation. Preach & write the gospel thru us beyond even all yesterdays and save and heal and mend and unite this generation as One heart and one mind in Christ Jesus rich in love and the affections of the Spirit of the Lord. Amen..And all things are possible with God and to them that believe.....deno.

     More on the subject.....In the first 3 verses of the bible we see that things were in disarray, things were without form and purpose was in waiting. Then God poured out His Spirit upon the face of it all and then He began to TAKE HIS WORD and organized and made order out of chaos, formlessness, and emptiness. Do you feel like your life is in chaos?. Like your empty within and without purpose. God can change, rearrange, and make order out of all of us who are in disarray and fill our hearts with His Spirit and give us GREAT PURPOSE to the glory of His Name and to our Joy being made full in Jesus Christ.....deno.

     Did you notice also that when the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the chaos, upon the disarray, upon the formlessness, and the without purpose situation in the beginning of Genesis 1:1-3), He FACING OFF with the situation poured out HIS WORDS on the situation, upon the challenge, upon the circumstance and HIS WORDS changed everything for THE BETTER..In our situations let us be filled with the Spirit of the Lord and the spirit of faith, and face off our problems & challenges, face off our situations and face off our circumstances with the WORD & PROMISES of God. Lets SPEAK & PRAY THE WORD OF GOD on and into them all in Jesus Christ Name. Gods Spirit and Words are the most powerful forces in all creation....Thru faith in them we can CHANGE OUR WORLD.....deno......share freely.

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