Sunday, November 16, 2014

Back to The Cross of Christ.......deno.....share freely.

      Thru the message of the Cross of His Son God is SO PREACHING and showing us His great love for us. The Cross preaches Gods hate for sin and its destroying power, but the greater message is Gods love for us who have sinned. Sin is one thing, it is the transgression of the Law, but you are another entity. God is able to SEPARATE THE TWO and He is able to discern the difference.
       You are a spirit and a soul that lives forever and you are greatly loved by God beyond all measure. At the Cross God separates the sin from the sinner. It is a miracle of grace. As it is written. God showed us His great love for us all in the fact that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:1-11). So we see that in Gods wisdom and message of the Cross of His Son that there, on that redeeming cross God destroyed OUR SINS and THE POWER OF SIN while at the same time HE saves and spares us. He SAVED US TAKING AWAY, THRU THE BLOOD OF HIS CROSS, THE SIN OF THE WORLD. 
       Kind of like this. Sin was a cancer destroying us. Thru the cross God surgically removed sin and its destructive powers from us TAKEN AWAY SIN AND THE STRENGTH OF SIN WHICH WAS THE LAW killing the power of that disease... And by His Stripes He healed us and thru His Cross HE SAVED US KEEPING US AND MAKING US ALIVE in His removal of our sin and sins power which was THE LAW. So at the Cross God removed the cancer (sin) and its spreading  strength which was THE LAW, and He saved us at the same time thru the surgery of the Cross. 
        Redeemed means we are the healed and the reconciled back unto God by Christ blood. Now who God has healed thru the power of the Cross of Christ from the cancer and disease of sin is healed and freed indeed in the spirit perfectly. What is flesh is flesh but what is spirit is spirit and God sees the difference between the two......deno.

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