Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Must Watch. Upholding & Defending The Constitution .....Trey Gowdy and the Law.....deno.....share freely.

    Scroll Down To This Power House Video.... 
     America was founded and built by the blessing and mercies of the Lord in and upon courages, imperfect, faith filled people that He graced. They were not political wimps. Nor did they duck tail, run away and hide under pressure from opposing forces and powers that opposed liberty. They were modern day Abrahams and Sarahs who left home and country to go to another land flowing with milk and honey that contained opposition that they would have to conquer with faith in God, trust and courage, to establish a christian nation based on biblical faith and biblical based laws.
     They were men and women of faith and of courage like David who called upon the Name of the Lord in troubles and when attacked by enemies, and they were strong in the political fighting arenas always standing up for God and promoting Gods agenda every where. They never allowed anyone subtle or not so subtle to ever deceive them to lay down the power for others to change the nation, it's freedoms course, or it's Constitution. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death was the spirit of their generation for years. America, What Happened?

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