Thursday, May 29, 2014

America, Let Us Bless Our Veterans.......deno......please share freely.

      Why not ignore, agitate, mislead, misinform, and frustrate out Veterans? If your a communist and despise America, her freedoms, her blessing, her constitution and all that she stands for, deceive your way into power and make Americas Finest which are her warriors, feel out of place, unappreciated, unloved, last on the list of Americas interest and priorities. After all, who would be gun ho to fight with pride in America if the people and the government show no genuine love for the sacrifices you made on the battle field. Just another way to meddle with the spirit and the mind of those who are proud to be an American. What is going on in our country?....
       We must, we have to love, honor and always, right next to the Lord, highly esteem our Veterans who have and do sacrifice so much for America and her way of life. But break Americas finest (her warriors) of their pride in America and their love of country and you have weakened our Nations strength by your own hand. We lay down our time and our lives for those and for the things we love and not for the things we hate and despise.......deno.....
       Please God, in Jesus Name, forgive us for being so cold hearted and forgive our nation of it's many sins. Have mercy Lord and cause us all to wake up to your senses of love for each other and for what is right lest we fall by the hand of the enemies of Your Cross, Your Sacrifice, and of this nation. Save us Lord from Your Sons enemies and from all our enemies, those outside our Nation and from those who are now within our Nation. And the people as One said Amen & Amen.
Deno Smith's photo.
Deno Smith's photo.

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