Monday, May 5, 2014

Americas Attack From Within........deno.......please share freely.

      Years and decades ago in the United States of America, atheist and the intellectuals of our universities and education systems who do not believe in God, or in Jesus as the Christ, purposed in their heart in secret meetings, to change the culture of America from a faith based culture to a atheistic anything goes culture. From these meetings, THE WAR WE ARE FEELING TODAY BEGAN. They have used every deceiving whelm and anything goes and is ok immoral doctrines, to de-faith and de-moralized this generation. They have used intellectual pride, intellectual intimidation, and even the push of porn, and out right evolutionary deception to upend Americas faith and morals that in years past caused God to bless and even glorify this Nation for His Son glory. As it is written, Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord..... 
      America, our faith and our morals they have viciously attacked for their darkening of America agenda, and we have all been feeling the effects from this massive onslaught controlled by the educational system, by the media, music, and the movie industry who are all together in on the onslaught. This network of opposition against God and Jesus Christ and their commandments is MASSIVE. It covers the nation from top to bottom, north to south, east to west. Many of these are even out right Satanist ..... 
      Their hope? To conform you, this generation, to the spiritual wickedness of their corrupt deceived and blinded hearts and lust, paving the way for the love of darkness more than light which gives strong place to the spirit of ANTI CHRIST unto the New World Order.....
       This evil spirit that is warring against us in America is powerful AND SO DETERMINED for the time is short.  Look at what has happened to this nation just in the past 25 years. Only prayer, repentance and the power of the Cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ and strong uncompromising faith in HIS NAME in the mouth of believing hearts can shut up the lion and still the avenger........Jesus Is Lord.....deno......please share freely.

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