Monday, May 12, 2014

Defending Our Freedom In Christ....Dealing with the defense of our Celebrating Easter and Christmas......deno......please share freely.

       If God, Almighty God. Jehovah Himself being born on earth thru the miracle and thru the womb of the Virgin Mary is not a most Wonderful Holy Day full of glad tidings of great news and joy that we as Christians can always reverence and celebrate on the far above all list of rendering honor to whom honor is due, then what is?????? I love Christmas and the Resurrection Day of Christ , Easter.....He is the reason why all the other holy days are holy days...Please, Pleas Christians. Enough of this opposing foolishness. Christ is Risen.
       What is worthy of more honor. The building or the Builder????.... If your in heavens right mind it is the Builder, the CREATOR that is worthy of MORE, MORE, MORE HONOR, even so saith the scriptures...God (THE BUILDER) becoming a man and born into this world to save, ransom, and redeem man is a holy day that is at the top of all holy days, TOPS THEM ALL, right under, or second on the list right below the days of His Cross and Resurrection..
        Those old testament holy days were the shadows of Christ. They were made holy days by God as He was WALKING on HIS OWN self made ROAD TO THE CROSS. GOD IN CHRIST HAS NOW ALREADY COME TO US IN THE FLESH...The shadow is made by the TRUE and not the TRUE by the shadow. The old testament, the old covenant  and the Law was all the shadow of Christ the TRUTH that was to come. HE HAS COME. 
        God becoming a man, the Word becoming flesh and dwelling amongst us and the day of the blood of His Cross and Resurrection are the most highest monumental holy days of God in HIS PLAN to redeem us though these days of Christ were hidden in the mystery of HIS SON that was hid in God from the beginning of the world (1st Corinthians 2:1-12 & Ephesians 3:1-12).. These mentioned days now tops all. The day He was clothed in the blood in the womb then born into our world on His way to the outpouring of that Blood, the blood of the Everlasting Covenant on the Cross, and His resurrection are the holiest of days in redemption light and glory on earth and in heaven in the NEW COVENANT CELEBRATIONS. 
       We celebrate His birth at Christmas and His death and resurrection at Easter with JOY, not by imposed Law for in Christ we are free. We do so free and from love and thanksgiving. So free we are in Christ from imposed Law and those former things (Colossians 2:6-23) that even the Lords supper (The Holy Blood and Body of the Lord broken and poured out for us, this most sacred meal of the body and of the blood of Christ that no former holy day comes close to in Redeeming Purpose and Power and thought, though the Passover was about HIS BLOOD in a shadow representation,  Jesus left it TOTALLY UP TO US of how often we would take the Lords Supper. He imposed on us NO SPECIFIC LAW or HOLY DAY for this. It was OUR CHOICE  in this matter.He (Jesus) left it up to the ones that HE MADE FREE to decide for themselves the day they would eat of the body and blood of Christ. 
        Jesus our Lord and our Redeemer, He Himself upholds the glorious liberty he purchased for us with his own agonies and blood on the Cross, setting us totally free from all former holy days, and sabbath days, and from the Law that gave sin its power and authority over us. We must remember that the Law of Sin in the beginning,  gave Satan and hell their power over us, and over the world from the beginning by transgression of the first single LAW that made all guilty and all guilty of all fit for damnation... 
         Concerning Christ body and blood, Jesus  said, as often as you do this, as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, do so in remembrance of Me. HE LEFT IT TOTALLY UP TO US of how often.   Even if we, HIS FREE, DECIDE ALSO to celebrate on certain days His Birth, His Death, His Resurrection on Christmas & Easter, Jesus is fine with it. We do so by our choice and not under bondage as to HAVE TO.  He left us free to do so by His Own Words......
       Friends we are free from the Law and all former holy days. Keeping them today is our choice and not an IMPOSED LAW.  Risen with Christ means we are  free from them. But if you DECIDE to keep those days, your free to make THAT CHOICE. But do so only in the mind as FREE and not as under bondage ... (Colossians 2:16-23)...
       Even so we celebrate the Lords supper (New Covenant Passover) when we decide to as HIS FREE CHILDREN. Jesus said, As often as YOU DECIDE TO, do this in remembrance of Me..This most Holy Bread, Jesus left it up to us when and how often we eat and drink of Him in the New Covenant Passover. What glorious freedom we have in Christ.
      We choose under grace and not under LAW to celebrate our Lords birth into our World as a special day and the days of His death and resurrection as special days of REMEMBRANCE in Joy and not under a bondage of HAVE TO or you have sinned.....We choose to do so and Jesus our Lord is by no means offended by this.....Enough of this from those who preach against our New Covenant Days of Celebration of Christmas and Easter, yet turn right around and under bondage say you must keep the holy days of the Law as of NECESSITY. Christ  THE TRUE has come in the flesh. Those former days were made by HIS SHADOW as He was walking on His way to the Cross of our Salvation and Freedom. The real deal has come as they say. He bore the Cross of our liberty and rose again for our new and living fellowship with the Father as children, as the free and not as slaves in bondage to Egypt (the world), for God our Father has Himself positioned us and made us all in Christ,  Christ Flesh & Bone..He that is Christ flesh and bone is Risen with Christ unto God....We are Risen with Christ...We Are Free........deno.....please share freely.

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