Thursday, May 1, 2014

Digging Deep Into The Sacrifice of Christ.......deno......please share freely

        The fact that God and Christ, the holiest of all, the incorruptible, sinless, pure, undefiled, unchanging, everlasting life HOLY Spirit of God is in you (Dwelling inside your heart right now as a believer) is a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR FEAT & ACCOMPLISHMENT of Jesus Christ alone. This incredible achievement of his, most are still numb and much blind to, to it's awing glory, and in seeing that this itself is as glorious and as remarkable as the awing glory that God poured into Christ when He raised Him from the dead and sat Jesus at His own right hand far above all heavens and powers in His far above all throne.... Help me Lord to explain this. 
      Making a statement here............ I mean He that used to be hidden away from the people of Israel behind the thick dividing curtain, (this dividing wall showed that there was still constant enmity and severe friction between God and men, no redemption peace yet); where only the one appointed priest was allowed to enter behind the curtain once a year with animals blood, and he had to enter EXACTLY the way God said to enter into His presence or God struck him down dead-immediately with no mercy;... well Jesus' atoning  blood sacrifice, it dealt HEAD ON with that division and with that dividing wall to bring it down and accomplish much much more for us in the area of needed peace between God and man. That is SO IMPORTANT.
       Christ blood sacrifice was so powerful, it was such an amazing grace empowered, incredible PEACE OFFERING, that it accomplished such great peace between He that was hidden behind the curtain and all people of all nations, that He (The Holiest of All-God Himself) would soar out of that place like a rushing mighty wind, and become Himself thru the power of Christ blood and peace offering, He would become POURED INTO THE HEART, INTO THE VERY INSIDES OF US (His new believing temples) and live inside us and with us by His own SWORN OATH forever like a Marriage Vow.  Thru thick and thin, thru good times or bad times, God our husband vowed His Covenant stay in us and with is forever in honor of His Son's  blood sacrifice and peace offering as long as we believed and cleaved to His Son by the connection and by the obedience of faith in His Atoning Sacrifice and Lordship...... Christ is Lord and He is Risen Indeed.
          AND, (get this) Jesus' Cross and His blood, His peace offering of His own self  was SO POWERFUL that even after the Holiest of all (THE SINLESS GOD) had entered into us (Believing Sinful Men), if and when we sinned, or did wrong in His sight, or took a wrong step, or made a wrong move in His inward presence (which we all have done and do from time to time, it matters not how holy or how sinless you think you are, BE HONEST), when we sin, because of the power of Christ PEACE OFFERING, He (God) did not and does not strike us down dead like He did the priest behind the veil of the curtain that entered into His presence wrongfully and sinfully, (THAT IS AMAZING IN ITSELF. THAT IS AMAZING GRACE & PEACE and that is SO IMPORTANT. 
        But what, in this New Covenant of peace that is a Better Covenant established upon better promises, what do we see happening? We see a forgiving, mercy rich, Love filled, compassionate God and Father. The true heart of God finally revealed and finally fully seen by us thru Christ for the first time.  God instead of striking us down dead HE FORGIVES US in His Love when we repent and ask Him to, and then says to us. Let's talk and fellowship awhile. I really enjoy your company My son or My daughter.  So much I want to share with you of Myself and Teach you. I am your Father. You are My child.
       This revelating LOVE OF GOD TRUTH is incredible. This friend is a MAJOR TRIUMPHANT VICTORY IN PEACE ACCOMPLISHMENT between God and men.........We all desire to step into and enter into heaven, the paradise of God. But God desired even more to step out of heaven, and out from behind that dividing curtain, that dividing wall, and step into our lives and enter into OUR HEARTS and make our hearts His living home and dwelling place and holy habitation of God in the Spirit...... And do so, GET THIS, (while we were still here on earth in these mortal bodies of sinful flesh justified by faith in Christ blood). That to is INCREDIBLY AMAZING when you really see it.
         God, when He by His grace, thru Jesus Christ has finished His grace work in our hearts, our hearts will be like a living paradise for His Holy Spirit to live in UNQUENCHED & NEVER AGAIN GRIEVED FOREVER........Father open our eyes in Jesus Name to see and understand this light and all that Christ, thru the power of His Cross accomplished FOR GOD AND US IN PEACE....Amen......Proclaiming peace thru the blood of His Cross.......deno.......please share freely.

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