Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sins under the Law verses sins under Grace, distinguishing between the two. This light is not written to give license to sin and sin and sin, but it's light is correct and redemption truth. Jesus came to take away sins, not to add on sin...Jesus said to the man, Go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you.....That same sermon of Christ is His same Message everyday.....No where in any of Jesus' Words did he ever say, well now that I have paid the full punishment for your sins you can go and party down in sin pleasures. That is a lie. Now with that said let's read the light given below.....deno.

       In Christ, sin is not the transgression of the Law for you, for you are not under the Laws long reigning LEGAL SYSTEM that binds you to the curses of transgressions (Galations 3:1-14) but under grace; but it is the disobedience of a child to His Father (there is a biblical distinction between the two).
      The judgement and the condemnation is much different between the world (the unbelieving) and that which is endured by the sons of God (The receivers of Christ (John 1:11-13). If you get this, if you grasp this rich meaning, you then understand redemption and the great adoption of Galations 4:1-7....Also in 1 Corinthians 11:32) Paul revealed, But when we (Gods children in Christ) are judged (dealt with by God as our Father) we are chastened by the Lord, so that we would not be condemned with the world (the unbelievers).......
       The Cross divides with spiritual distinction the two different punishments. For us who believe and receive Jesus Christ and Him crucified and risen from the dead, the redemption scriptures of the powers of Christ sufferings prevails for us, As it is written," for the transgression of My People Jesus was punished."The punishment of Christ prevails for us...... But for those who reject Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, there is no stand between to absorb the wrath of God. They get the full blow of the fire. 
      Our price for our disobedience's as children of God in Christ is called chastisement, or chastening (1 Corinthians 11:32) a spanking so to speak from the Lord in the flesh ( 1st Corinthians 5:1-5). It is not the eternal destruction as the world will get, lest the Cross of Christ be made of none effect and of no benefit to man, to them that believe..... 
       Isaiah 53:1) Isaiah prophesying about the Cross of the Son of God said, Who has believed our report (Jesus Christ the Son of God Crucified and Risen from the dead), And to whom is the strong Arm of the Lord revealed (Meaning His So Great A Salvation)......deno......please share freely.

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