Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we all experience the trying of our faith. There is no way around this. There is no way for any of us who exercise our faith to stay out of this common wrestling arena.  It's just like Jesus said, When the word of truth is sown, which is the word of faith that we plant, teach and preach, Satan comes. He comes to take away the word sown. (Note this) He comes to wrestle that word out of you. The word of your hope he is after. The word of truth he is after. The word of Gods promise he is after. The word of your faith he is after. He attacks you to get that word out of your ground that with the confession of our mouth Jesus said is PLANTED. He wrestles with you lest the word of your hope and faith  takes full root in the spiritual kingdom of your life (which few understand), then  it sprouts, grows up and you, in time, experience the blade, then the full ear, the full living fruit of those words believed materializing in the faiths harvest season of your life. (see Mark chapter 4, entire chapter).....example...And Jesus said of that centurions faith;" This man has great faith. I have NOT SEEN such great faith, no, not in all of Israel. That mans faith took root. That  mans faith fully grew up and that mans faith reached the full ear of the corn (materialization), the harvest season AND IT WAS SEEN. His faith endured all the satanical wiles. The devil tried to wrestle it out of him but to no avail. He successfully resisted the devils doubting darts during the wrestling match IN THE ARENA OF HIS FAITH and the final result was he received the desire of his heart. The result was PEOPLE SAW, PEOPLE SAW THE GOOD, THE GOOD WORK/DEED/FRUIT of this mans faith and GOD WAS GLORIFIED ON EARTH MORE GREATLY BY IT, FOR IT WAS SEEN.
     Faith seen, materialized, is the main reason for the wrestling match, the mutli faced wrestling attacks of Satan against your faith and your faiths seeds/words/confessions. He does not want miracles of faith, and other words of faith becoming flesh, becoming materialized on earth. These bring the greater works that by awe and wonder more greatly  GLORIFY GOD and THE TRUTH THAT IS IN HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.
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      When your in the wrestling arena of your hopes, dreams, your heart desires and faith, Satan the opposer of your hearts believing, comes against you to choke the words of your hope & faith etc. with spiritual weeds that he wrestles against you to plant and grow inside you/your life.  These sown weeds/seeds Jesus taught comes in the form of -  other interest, a change of mind by deceiving distractions, an opposite whisper/voice, a different overtaking desire, lust for opposing things, the worrysome cares of this life, the deceitfulness of monies way. They come to  get you to come off of your faith words so that YOU replant/replace these words/seeds with words of doubt, hopelessness, dread, despair and unbelief that will make void hope and faith seeds, and dreams that you have previously desired and planted. If his counter move/attack goes un resisted,  you go from walking above the raging waters/problems/darkess etc. and you start to sink  into the raging distracting waves  like Peter did. The water was not his problem, no trouble for the believer, but when Peter the believer, took his faiths eyes off of Jesus (the promise of God) and put his focus on the faith robbing/distracting look of those waves and the voiced message of those screaming waves, the screaming waves screaming opposite message, entered into his heart and its choking faith robbing power wrestled Peters faith down and the walking on water faith was cast out of him. Thats when the troubles began to take him over, to overtake. He began to sink. His problems started to swallow him up.
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       Note.... Jesus wants us all to overcome & cast out Satan and to destroy his wicked/evil works by faith in His Name. Thru faith in His Name this commandment is accomplished. Doubt and Unbelief causes faith sins, faith disobedience. Satan wrestles with us to cast faith out of our believing, dreaming hearts so that his works can dominate us/our nation/our world. Romans 14 reveals to us that Whatsoever is not of Faith is sin.
      If we or America or our world sinks, the lack of faith is the main reason.(Faith justifies, Unbelief condemns John 3;16-18.) The world will not understand these words but they are the truth. Faith keeps us above the waters, or unbelief causes us to be swallowed up. WE/MANKIND HAVE ENEMIES. SPIRITUAL ENEMIES. DEMONIC OPPOSING FORCES THAT WANT US TO DROWN WITH THEM IN THE LAKE OF FIRE. But thanks be to God, By FAITH WE LIVE. BY FAITH WE ARE SAVED. BY FAITH WE STAND. BY FAITH WE RECEIVE OUR PRAYERS DONE ALL IN JESUS NAME. Other names, plus Doubt and Unbelief will do the very opposite. Satan wrestles with us and even the whole world to plant  OTHER NAMES, DOCTRINES, LYING HOPES, OTHER INTEREST, (unbelief or wrong believing) IN US ALL OTHER THAN JESUS CHRIST.   FOR ALL THE TRUTH PLUS ALL THE GODHEADS PRESENCE AND WORKS ARE ALL  IN CHRIST THE LORD ONLY.  WE NEED NO OTHER.  ALL OTHERS ARE OPPOSER  AND IMPOSTERS BEINGS OF DARKNESS THAT HAVE TRANSFORMED THEMSELVES INTO MESSENGERS THAT ONLY APPEAR AS LIGHT OR ENLIGHTENMENT, BUT THEY ARE NOT.  THESE ENTITIES HAVE FORMED ALL THE DIFFERENT BELIEFS AND OPPOSING JESUS CHRIST CULTURES IN THE WORLD.
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      Notice In our text of Mark chapter four, that Jesus did not say that after the Word is sown/planted Satan comes to take you out. If he could he would, but he is not that free to do so with ease (Remember Job). But it is his constant game to attack any word of christian truth, faith and hope and of the gospel and of the  promises of God that has been sown/planted by a hopeful, believing heart by the great confession. As it is written. With the heart man believes. With his mouth his faith is planted  unto victory/salvation (Romans 10, entire chapter).
     Any word of the gospel truth, any word of faith seed that has been sown with ones mouth, my ones confession of what they really believe, has been planted into the spiritual garden & kingdom of the sowers life by the believers mouth. Paul preached,"We speak what we believe and its what we speak believing that comes to be, that comes to pass.(Read Mark 4:11.,26-29 & Mark 11:23-24)
    Satan with a very dull sword of deceptive lies, weapons and schemes, and with a bag of tricks, a bag of opposite words, thoughts and circumstantial illusion comes at you, to cause you to (YOURSELF)  remove you own hope seed, your own faith  seed. You see, in his first arrival he checks to see if you understand and  really believe what you have heard, what you have spoken, saying you believe it. If you do not understand the word, nor believe it, that planted word is stolen from you with ease. Most never even recognize the burglary.  But if he sees you do understand it, and you have mixed measures of faith with that word and spoken that which you believe out your mouth into your now and into your future (YOU REAP WHAT YOU PLANT) , it is then,  in that faith stage and spiritual situation that he knows he must come.  He knows he must come and enter into the arena of your hope, of your believing and it is then and in those two arenas that THE WRESTLING MATCH BEGINS. He has got to try to BEWITCH it out of you by his magic that he forms against your believing, against your hope. You are the authority of and over  your life, no one else. Jesus said its by your own words you win or lose. Its by your own words you are justified or by your own words you are condemned.  
       (Note this)...Remember God gives you words to believe that by that believing you can be connected/attached to/linked up with so that you could be saved. He cannot Himself just over ride your free will, pronounce His word over you and say you are saved and then you are automatically saved. If it was that easy, if it did work that way, then no one would perish, no one would go to hell . Bit it is not that way or that easy.  We read in Timothy that it is the full desire and will of God that none, no not even one person  perishes, but that ALL PEOPLE come unto the knowledge of His Son, believe that good news, believe that gospel and thereby, by the mixing of THEIR FAITH with those words of God they become connected to Gods saving grace and power to be Saved. But if they do not believe THOSE WORDS, then the awesome, glorious,  saving power  of Jesus being sacrificed on the cross for their sins will not profit them anything. THATS AMAZING BUT THAT'S THE TRUTH. This fully reveals to us that we are the number one  authority over our lives by what we do, believe and say and confess with our mouth believing and no one else.  Satan knows this also, so with his magic, with his bag of tricks, he has to attack your hearts faith to cause you to doubt. And he has to get you to talk that doubt and unbelief to upend what you before hoped, believed and planted with your mouth in the faith confession into the spiritual garden/kingdom of your lifes present beliefs. He also attacks as well your future hopes, dreams and desires. He pays constant careful attention listening and watching to find out what we believe with out hearts and to what we say with our mouths, to devise and form his attack. This is in part the wrestling that Paul wrote about in Ephesians chapter 6:10-18
    In the near future I will be sharing with you some of my personal wrestling matches with the enemy of our faith that ended up in victory. Some were won easily. Others dear Lord, God knows how it was an outright fight. Even tears flowed because the opposition was so heavy, but thank God I came out on top. Thank God, Jesus is with us in every match. Even when the enemy got me with a powerful counter punch and things were heading south in a fury. I learned that my soul could Hope Thou In God. For no matter what, Gods love for His children is always the same. Whether I swung and suffered a miss, or hit a single, double or tripple at the plate or when I hit the homeruns, Gods love was ever the same. If and when you learn that, you have learned one of life in Christ most precious and
valuable lessons.......More to come....this is a only a rough draft.........deno 

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