Thursday, April 18, 2013

Denos Testimonies #7) Satan Began His Counter Attacks after I experienced the rushing mighty wind of the Holy Spirit......Plus Gods light and my minds personal darkness was about to clash.

     After my vision of the huge cross subsided, and after things returned to my personal normalcy, I had no idea how this great rushing mighty wind experience was going to effect my life. I mean it. I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea why one receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but I had. I was not a very spiritual minded person. Are you? I was not a deep person of the scriptures. Nor was I super Christian, but far from it. Even in so many ways.
      Now I was a son of a wonderful preacher, pastor and evangelist who preached revivals now and then, but just because your a son of a great President does not make you a president, right? And just because your a son of a brain surgeon, by no means automatically makes you a doctor.  Even so just because my dad knew Greek and Hebrew did not make me a spiritual Einstein of the word of God.
     Deno was a simple son with a believing heart that justified me more than I knew or understood at the time. I knew mostly only John 3:16 of the scriptures. That was the only verse I had took to memory. Well there was one other, Jesus Wept, the shortest verse in the bible.  Everything else that I knew mostly came from the child bible story books that I read from time to time in my childhood. But John 3:16 I believed and I believed that verse of the bible with all my heart.  I believed that verse with all my soul, and I believed that verse in the bible with all my strength. I believed God loved us despite us and that He sent His Son into the world to save us from our sins and that God raised Jesus from the dead. I knew and believed that the bible was the Word of the Living God. I barely knew what was in it, but I believed it was the unbreakable rock given us from God. This was my faith. This was my religion. This was what I stood on and that got me born again.  
       That child like faith readied me (Ephesians 1:12-13) for the infilling of that which I have shared with you of the Spirit of Gods rushing mighty wind into my heart, filling my heart with power and fire from on High. But little did I know, yes my friends, little did I know that that great Spirit of glory (1 Peter 4:12-14) now in me and upon my life, was also attracting the attention of an old ancient foe, the subtle Serpent of Eves misery, and a roaring lion all at the same time. 
     Soon I was going to but heads and come to a spirit against spirit, mind against mind, thought against thought combat with the enemy of all righteousness and I had no idea that he was coming to pay me a vicious and a most unwelcoming visit. I will be sharing this with you in the near future. I feel I must lay out a foundation first before I get to those confrontations.
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       Friends to be filled with the Power from on high which gives great light to the heart, but yet still have hundreds and maybe even thousands of layers & pages of darkness, misinformation, spiritual ignorance's of word of God blindness, strongholds, and misunderstandings in your mind and in your thinking, can be a very terrible, even awful combination and situation to be in. Light and darkness have nothing in common. Wisdom and ignorance have no place of common ground to fellowship upon. How can two walk together unless they agree says the bible? Well a mighty Holy Spirit of light and a mans mind full of bible spiritual blindness, ignorance, darkness and carnality are destined to clash and clash Gods Spirit and my mind did also in this temple that had become the Holy Spirits indwelling. 
     In that clashing of two opposites I ended up feeling I suppose the full impact of the enmity, of the friction between the two, between the mind of a Mighty Holy Living Spiritual God and that of a fleshly carnal teenagers mind. A mind that all its life had mostly been trained and taught to think contrary to Gods higher spiritual wit, wisdom and counsel and to go with the flow of the thoughts and the thinking of this evil generations mind, wisdom, counsel and anti holiness, anti God course.(See Ephesians2:1-3)
        This condition plus an up and coming roaring lion(1 Peter 5:8-11) that wanted to sift me as wheat, was to bring upon me and my life what I refer to as denos double trouble in those days of my baptism into graces refining fires. This would in time create a cry from the inside of my heart and souls deepest depths unto God for deliverance and salvation from the heavy affliction that came upon me and my life because of my personal  ignorance's of the deeper needful truths and things of Gods word and spiritual understanding and because of an enemies wrestling grips and moves that my ignorance kept giving him place to over and over again. 
     To be honest with you in those days I did not have a clue that there even existed such a thing as spiritual understanding, or spiritual wisdom and wit, or spiritual confrontations, combat and warfare. I did not know that the things the Holy Ghost teaches, the normal, natural mind of man cannot grasp or understand because such things to his way of thinking seems and appear as nothing more than foolish to him(Read 1 Corinthians  2:4-16).     
     Nor did I know Ephesians 6:10-18, where we read that we as believers wrestle with opposing forces, wicked vicious anti Christ, anti us mean spirits. Deno was ignorant about a lot of things in the bible and in life in general and that ignorance was going to cost me about 3 and a half years of fiery trials and bitter soulish tribulations.  For nearly three and a half years I  cried and cried tears after tears asking God, Why God? Why? Why am I so miserable? Why has my joy turned to sorrow and mourning? Why so much heat? Why so much pressure? Why so much affliction? Why is my soul cast down within me? How could so much delicious sweet be turned into such bitter?
      Well as time went on things would be unveiled...more to come.....deno....please share freely


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