Friday, April 19, 2013


Deno Smith shared Aram EL Gorani's photo. < < <PUSH ON PHOTO
      Is this Islams agenda America ? They hit and struck down our twin towers killing several thousands mercilessly. They crashed and burned into our Pentagon shedding American blood. They plowed into our fields with American children not their concern at all. They went for the White House, which now some say they actually have today. They were going to crash into the Statue of Liberty because they hate our Christian freedoms. They are photographed burning our American flag in the streets of New York.  Now they have wrought their havoc in Boston on our innocent again. By their fruits you shall no them Jesus said.  
      We are peace loving they say. And if you don't call us peace loving we will blow up your children and spill your blood in the streets of America. And to think that we have now a President who is bringing 80,000 of these peace loving American blood spillers to our nation in the name of tolerance and peace and paying them 100 Thousand  US TAX dollars every year to live here for 5 years. That is an Army America. A PAID ARMY. Tolerance is one of Satans most favorite words to use in the working of his multi faced deceiving schemes. It means to him, permit me, allow me....GET IT?.....WAKE UP AMERICA. PLEASE WAKE UP..... 
       We must remove our enemies before they remove us. This is our country AMERICA, bought and paid for with both Redeeming and American Blood. They are waking up a mighty full blooded All American Loving Patriotic God Fearing Army of Believers who are being stirred up like hornets whose nest has been messed with now to many times. Its time America....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.....Jesus would not put up with it. He would not let any enemy take His kingdom and Throne from Him and He does not expect us to either. He always Cast out the lies and the deceiver. ALWAYS. 
      America, you cast out lies and deceptions with the truth shouted on the house tops, in the streets and on every high hill. You take down deceivers and their manifold tricks of deceptions, media spin and magic with uncompromising stands on Gods Word, on Truth, and on the Constitution of the United States of America. And when truth exposes the lies and the liars, the deceptions and the deceivers,  No matter who the truth exposes and brings down, YOU SAVED YOUR NATION FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND THEIR FUTURE, HOPES, AND DREAMS......LET THE TRUTH BE HEARD........LET THE LIARS AND THE DECEIVERS AND THE SCHEMERS AGAINST OUR NATION WHO OPPOSE OUR LIBERTIES AND OUR FAITH AND OUR GOD AND OUR CONSTITUTION  AND WHO SERVE OTHERS OTHER THAN THE PEOPLE OF THESE UNITED STATES BE FULLY EXPOSED AND FALL IN JESUS NAME FOREVERMORE ONE AND ALL........THIS IS MY PRAYER HEAVENLY FATHER  IN JESUS NAME AMEN......DENO.....AMERICA FOUNDED BY BELIEVERS FOR BELIEVERS.

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