Sunday, April 20, 2014

Adams Sin Reached Into The Throne of God.........deno.....please share freely

     God is Love. Even perfect love. If He could have said to Adam and Eve, I forgive you, lets move on, He would have. But the Cross of His Son reveals to us something. It reveals to us that the sin and betrayal of Adam was much much more complicated than that, even far more horrifying and ensnaring than the natural human mind fathoms or understands. If it could have been so easy as to say, I the Lord forgive you, let's move on, God would have done so and He would have spared His Son such tremendous tremendous sufferings. But Christ was not spared and His blood and sufferings preaches the complexity of Adams sin that cursed and ensnared the whole world, it even snared the Son of God also. Adams transgression was so FAR REACHING in its consequences that it reached all the way up into the Throne of God and brought down to earth the Son of God nailing him mercilessly to the Cross.
     More.....Adam sin was so powerful and so far reaching that Jesus, when he came into our world, He taught His disciples that man is in such severe trouble, that it is impossible for him to save himself. He has to be saved. He has to be ransomed. He has to be rescued. He has to be Redeemed.  The spiritual Law of Adams sin and transgression was the sin unto death and separation from God forever. Had God not had mercy on us and had Jesus not paid our ransom with his own sinless blood, all of us would have died in our sins and without any hope. Satan's on horrific end would have been ours to and we all know how bad and how horrible his future is......
      Thank God though for John 3:16....For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him would not perish but have everlasting life....And thank God also that He raised our Savior from the dead for our salvation to be sealed  done.......deno....please share freely

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