Thursday, April 17, 2014

Words of the passion that Christ endured foretold by the prophet Isaiah........deno.....please share freely

....Isaiah 52:14).....even so his (bodily) appearance was disfigured: his form-once glorious- was marred until it hardly looked human (theVoice translation)......Only those who were really there that day saw how these unbreakable scriptures were fulfilled in the hours known as the passions of the Christ (Acts 1:3 KJV).
    When Jesus by his own free will for us surrendered himself and laid down his body, blood, and his life for our sins punishment, he knew Satan who had the power of death, was going to attack him and was going to give Him everything he had in the area of afflictions, pains, and sufferings. Jesus knew He had to take it all and complain not, murmur not. He had to fulfill the scripture that said, "Like a sheep led to the slaughter is dumb so He opened not his mouth in complaint"; He must not sin. He must not break scripture. He could not use his powers to remove himself from all the agonizing pains and sufferings that he fully had to feel.. For this scripture in our above text had to be fully fulfilled..."Even so his (bodily) appearance was disfigured; his form-once glorious-was marred until it hardly looked human (theVoice translation)....
     You and I, we stomp our toe and think the world is coming to an end as we jump around the living room trying to run off and cry away the pain. Think about what Jesus went thru....from the meanness and hate of a desperate Satan fighting for his life's eternal stake, working thru the hearts of men, when Jesus laid it down, he was demonically attacked like souls are in hell. They beat him and beat him and whipped his body until that disfiguring scripture above took full shape in the body and face of the Son of God. They hardly could tell he was human after the beatings, and the cross, and the sin of the world had there way with Him...... 
     Paul seeing this and understanding what Jesus went thru for him, said in Galations 6:14) God forbids me to glory in nothing but the Cross of my Lord Jesus Christ.....That is why I write as I write and others preach as they preach.....deno......please share freely.

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