Thursday, April 3, 2014

All Must Honor The Son As They Do The Father......Important Light Here....There is NO WAY around Jesus.....deno.....please share freely.

     John 16:7) Jesus speaking.....Nevertheless I tell you the truth, It is to your advantage that I go away to the Father; for if I do not go away, then THE COMFORTER,(the Holy Spirit) WILL NOT COME TO YOU (important point there)....
      Friends God has subjected ALL THINGS to His Son Jesus Christ our Savior (1 Corinthians 15:24-28 & John 17:2). God does not make a move without His Son. All things coming and going, ascending prayers and descending answers, ALL MUST BE DONE IN HIS SONS NAME or the Fathers does not move(Colossians 3:17& John 16:23-24).  He would not even send the Holy Spirit to us unless His Son came back up to Him and asked Him to do so (John 14:16-17). God has highly exalted His Son to this level of full subjection of  all prayers, God's Movements, of beings and things, INCLUDING HIMSELF, of all beings and things in heaven, and of all beings and things on earth and under the earth. (Philippians 2:9-11).
      And...... God has sworn all honor and allegiance to His Son so much so that NO MAN SHALL GO UNTO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY AND THRU JESUS CHRIST(John 14:6). 
      So we see that since the Father was not going to send to us the Holy Spirit but thru Jesus Christ, neither will any man or prayers be able to access heaven, go unto the Father but by and thru Jesus Christ. It's all about Jesus coming and going, descending and ascending. God does not make a move outside HIS SON.       
     So stay In the Son and believing in His Mightiest Name that is exalted far above all names. Exalted by God Himself far above all might, strengths, powers, governments and authorities. God has exalted His Son and His Name for above all faiths, far above all beliefs, far above all religions, theories and far above all human fantasies about divine things. Jesus Christ His Son is the THE TRUTH. THE REAL DEAL,
      Stay in the faith of Jesus Christ. He is the Divine One and the Divine Truth. More than a prophet. More than a man. Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. Our Lord from Heaven.... All others are deceivers and the deceived......deno.

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