Friday, April 4, 2014

Updated....Amazing Grace vs Amazing Envy & Hate Unto More Abounding Grace. John 5:1-47......deno.......please share freely

      John 5:8-10)...Rise, Jesus said to the cripple man who had been crippled for 38 years, Yes Rise, take up your bed and walk. 9) Immediately the man was made whole and took up his bed and walked: and on the same day that this was done it was the Sabbath......then the next thing we read is... 10) The Jews therefore seeing him healed and walking with his mat, said to him that was cured, It is the Sabbath Day; it is not allowed by the law for you to carry your bed on the Sabbath Days.....When God heals, or performs a miracle, or answers a prayer it is a time for praise not for complaints.
      It is very strange to me the hardness of those Jewish leaders and many of their people in the day of their visitation from the Lord. Some people are so religiously dark and so religiously hard in their heart that when a great thing from God has happened to others as what was done to this man, you would think that the people around would be very excited and happy for that man who received a Masterful touch from God. But No, all these wicked religious people, all they thought about was mostly themselves and how they could be exalted in the crowds above the rest to be seen and admired by men and when others received Great Touches from God, in envy they sought to make the healed man feel bad and guilty. Amazing Grace clashed with amazing hate, clashed with the pointing the big finger, clashed with the holier than thou law enforcing RELIGIOUS FILLED people who as Jesus said, did not have the love of God in them (John 5:40-42). 
      Jesus was extremely touched by God. He had the Anointing of the Spirit of God without measure (John 3:34). This caused Jesus to be highly exalted by the Father in the eyes of Israel. Some loved him for it. But those who loved to be called Teachers and other esteemed religious titles envied the Lords Grace. They ended up crucifying him for envy (Matthew 27:18). Even today God has  many Anointed men and women serving the Lord before our eyes and many  just yachatee yach yach about them with negative criticisms, gripes and complaints. What we should be doing is blessing them and thanking God such dedication to Christ is STILL ON THE EARTH in this hour. If we did not have these on TV and in our services the whole nation would plummet into even greater darkness. Do we want that?....When what could be happening is  THE GREATER WORKS Jesus promised if we would quit griping, and complaining in the wilderness and talking bad about Gods Anointed amongst us.
       Church and America and all the nations, we all know we need a mighty heart changing move of Gods  Gospel, Of Abounding Grace and of His Holy Spirit with Power and Holy Fire in the Nations in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.. When God does answer this need, He just may choose people we have never even heard of. Maybe a shepherd boy from a valley or a woman who fetches water from a well to proclaim His Good News with Power. God knows. But when He does move  in heart changing mighty power and ways, as we need in this hour, let us all be a grateful, thankful people full of praise to God In Jesus Name for what He is doing and not be filled with this evil attitude "You were all together born in sin and such a sinner and do you teach us????? It is written, Grieve not and Quench not the Holy Spirit.

John 14:12) deno expounded) Jesus said concerning the works of God, He said, This is unbreakable truth for with My own mouth I have said it and the mouth of the Lord CANNOT LIE (Hebrews 6:18), "he that believes on Me,  ( believes Me, trust Me and loves Me with obedience and reigns in life and in Me thru the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17), the works that I do shall he do also; and GREATER WORKS than these shall he do, because I go unto My Father....Now it is still the Father doing THE GREATER WORKS thru Jesus, let us notice in vs 13 how Jesus is SO INVOLVED IN THIS GREATER WORKS, He said. vs 13) " And WHATSOEVER you SHALL ASK (we should be asking for the Father to do THE GREATER WORKS) in MY NAME, that  will I DO, that the Father may be GLORIFIED in the SON....

Let us pray.....
Father in Jesus Name, we ask you now to do the greater heart changing works of the Word, Spirit, Fire and Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in us in America and in the people in ALL NATIONS in Jesus Name and deliver more than billions of people from darkness unto light, from the power of Satan unto God, causing greater repentance and a great returning back to God by Jesus Christ and causing more and more billions to be  heart changed Born of God by faith in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead. Such a heart change that we all every where are full of Gods Spirit and works in our heart and lives that we love Jesus and holiness and righteousness more than darkness and live and show forth this great change that God  Himself has done in our hearts that makes many united in harmony and Oneness in Christ all over the world..IN Jesus Name...Amen.......deno.

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