Monday, April 21, 2014

Lord Empty Me of Me so I can be filled with You (IMPORTANT REDEMPTION LIGHT) .....deno.....please share freely

    If a man is not BORN AGAIN, his keeping the holy, separating commandments of the Law of Moses will profit him nothing. Think about this, Jesus said to the Jews, the High Priest, the Pharisees and others who lived by the Ten commandments and the others, and stoned those that did not; because they did not Believe He Was The CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD, that they would die in their sins no matter how holy they considered themselves to be by the keeping of the Law (John 8:21-24).
      Rejecting Christ,  is the guaranteed SIN unto eternal death and everlasting separation from God. (IT IS WORSE THAN ALL SINS)....This SIN of unbelief and rejecting Christ, it is a SIN that nullifies all the hard labor the Jews put into the keeping of the Holy Commandments God gave to Moses. It is one of the most deceptive sins because it is a religious sin.  Satan makes it hard for Jews and others to see the reality of this RELIGIOUS SIN....
      The Law and it's commandments along with it's foretelling of the Christ to come, it's core given purpose from Gods Redemption view point,  was to show us the fall of Adam, the great curse that befell the world due to his sin; and to show us our sinful evil nature, and that we needed a Savior. All it's blood sacrifices were to point them to the GREAT SACRIFICE OF ISAIAH Chapters 52/53/54  of the Christ to come that would Redeem us. All of it, it's hearts purpose was to bring both Christ and Israel and all the world to the Cross of Christ and there we would be gathered together into ONE.BODY, Christ Body and reconciled unto God by the death of Jesus Christ His Son, This was the mighty Redeeming Sacrifice. God (Emmanuel Himself) was going to taste death for every man thru the Cross. AMAZING.. (Romans 5:5-11).... But if Jew or Gentile rejects Christ in unbelief, no matter what He does, religious or not, he is lost forever. Rejecting Christ is the chiefest of sins. There is no remedy at all for that one. No prayer. No Atoning Sacrifice. No Pardon.
      He told them because they BELIEVED  HIM  NOT and  received him not, HE SAID, Behold, (take notice to these words O Israel) Your house is now left you desolate (Empty of the Lord) and you shall NOT SEE ME AGAIN, not until you learn to cry, Blessed is He (Jesus Christ) who came in the Name of the Lord.....
      We learn from this light that there is a keeping of the commandments that is not after the Spirit but of the flesh. This is when you have religion and not relationship. They crucified Jesus, not because He was religious but because of HIS RELATIONSHIP with the Father. They said to Jesus, For a good work we do not stone you, but for blaspheme. For you being a man claim God is your Dad (relationship) (See also 1 John 3:1-3)......Romans 5:1) Therefore being made right with God BY FAITH In Christ we have peace with God......Christ In You the hope of glory, now that's RELATIONSHIP and not RELIGION.....deno.....PLEASE SHARE FREELY.

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