Thursday, April 3, 2014

Our Spiritual Atmosphere. The Green vs the Dry.....deno

Luke 23:31) Jesus on the Cross nearing death said to those looking at him, crying about what has happened to their hope, he said...Do not weep for me, for if they do these things in a green tree,what shall be done by them in the dry?......

      This may sound strange but I am going to share it anyway. Me and my brother and 2 sisters, we were blessed to be raised in a home full of faith, hope and love that is in Jesus Christ. Dad was a pastor, preacher and teacher of the gospel, but more than that He and Mom were super loving parents of highest integrity. They lived the love they preached...
      So I write..... Every time the word of the gospel is written, preached, taught, spoken, and lived, Great and Marvelous preserving Salt and Light is being poured into our hearts, into our lives and society.
       I remember as a small child really sensing Gods Spirit and Presence in America. Back then America was full of moral believing people in Christ. The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ  was still Politically correct most every where in those days. It was like with joy I was somehow in measure tuned into the Lords presence. Joy Joy and more Joy filled my heart and soul. It would be so rich and strong some times that as a small child i used to just break out in a joy dance jumping and running, running and jumping all over the place. I did not know that it was the Joy of the Lord rising up from within. But i knew this. It sure tasted delicious. 
      Today America and our nations atmosphere is much dryer than the green I tasted in those early years. Sin and unbelief, and demonic forces are drying this Nations spiritual green up. We must repent and start living what we all say we are believing and are preaching. We must return to real faith that changes us, to love, to holiness, to integrity and to the casting off the works of darkness and stop fellowshipping with the ways of this world and stop mingling with things and ways that Jesus will not approve. Come out from amongst them, the Lord Said and then I will receive you. 
      When we or our nation are in a state where we are believing and living in a manner that God cannot RECEIVE OR ACCEPT, we will taste little His presence. Our spiritual atmosphere will be dry instead of green and just throwing money at the situation will not mend the real problem. Such is deceitful and delusional. The world thinks that way, but not God.  We have got to repent and believe right and live right.....None of us can fool God or mock Him. He knows my friend. He knows.....Let us all repent and believe the good news afresh, refreshed in the Spirit of grace unto holiness. Because I the Lord am Holy, so be ye holy......deno......please share freely.

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