Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jesus Scared and Shocked Nicodemus Into Believing John 3:16......deno......please share freely

        John 3:1-18 is the scene where Jesus is talking to one of the holy men of Israel, Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, a Pharisee who believed in the strictest adherence to all the Laws God gave to Moses, the 10 you know of and the 600 plus more that you may have never heard of before. He was strict to obey them and he with his clan were strict to shame and stone to death those who did not exalt the Law and keep its holy commandments. 
      This same super Law keeper. This legalistic holy man. This Pharisee. This religious man that all of Israel highly esteemed and highly reverenced for their uncompromising devotion to the Law, the commandments of God. This I will keep all the commandments of God no matter the cost and I will condemn and stone to death all those that do not, Jesus looked him right in his hard headed religious forehead and said, Unless you are born again you will not make it to heaven, and you will not enter into the kingdom of God. Nicodemus, a holy holy man of Israel was in shock.....He had been working religiously hard all his life to please God by strict obedience to all the holy commandments of God and here Jesus is telling him that all that labor will not get you into heaven, into the kingdom of God. Nicodemus is stunned with those words. A portion of fright hits him. For if we the strictest of the strictest Law thumpers and keepers of the commandments will not make it, WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED???. He is now highly concerned and well should he be. For if one misses heaven there is but one other place to go. A place called hell.
      In all the Laws many scriptures, this ruler, this teacher of Israel Nicodemus never heard such words, as being Born Again.... He was stumped with real spiritual ignorance. Why? It had nothing to do with the works of the Law of Moses or the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, nor of the flesh, nor was it words and wisdom of this world but of the spirit. It was a heavenly thing (John3:9-12).  Jesus said to Nicodemus, Are you a teacher of Israel and and know not, (understand not) these things? Jesus told him, if I tell you of earthly things and you don't believe them, how will you believe if I tell you of heavenly things, things of the spirit of man.
      The Laws purpose.  Gods Son was now on the scene to fulfill the Laws main purpose which was to show Nicodemus and the rest of us that we were all together born sinners, guilty before God (Romans 3:19-31)(Romans 4:13-25)(Romans 7:6), and that we needed mercy, and forgiveness, and a REDEEMER AND A SAVIOR. That was the core purpose of the Law to show us the NEED FOR JESUS AND HIS BLOOD. We needed so great a salvation. We needed an abundant pardoning. God would accomplish all this thru the tremendous sufferings, passion, and blood of His Sons Cross that all those animals blood that Israel sacrificed day in and day out on the altars PREACHED & PREACHED & PREACHED but Israel failed to make the REDEEMING  connection.

      The Law written on stone was both ours and Jesus' stepping stones to the Cross of Christ.  Christ went to the Cross because we both had need of it. Yes we and Jesus had need of it. 
      What do I mean in this? We had need of it because of our sins. We needed atonement for our transgressions. A punishment paid so that we would not be punished. We needed a MIGHTY LAMB OF GOD for this and Jesus became that Passover Lamb for us. 
       Jesus had need of the Cross because the mouth of God had said, even from the foundation of the world these words of  His Son, "Thou art slain". When God opens His Holy mouth and says about anything a swearing, or an it shall come to pass Word, Gods throne is on the line. His integrity is on the line. To say one thing and yet do another is A LIE which is a sin. Jesus had to go to the Cross. There was no way around it lest he and God be found liars. A thing Satan was hoping would happen at the Cross. 
     Jesus had to go to and thru the Cross to go back to heaven. Back to heaven from scriptures he fulfilled, just as much as we have to join him at the Cross so that salvational scriptures IN US can be fulfilled. None goes to heaven outside of faith in the Cross, and in the blood, death and resurrection of the Son of God Jesus Christ. So saith the scriptures.

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      And it would be the gospel of Jesus Christ, by Christ incomparable sacrifice that in the day Jesus was talking to Nicodemus was soon to come, and his resurrection; THAT GOOD NEWS, THAT GOSPEL of His blood, and sacrifice, and resurrection would be the heavenly seed which -by the mix of faith-, by those who believed, God would see THEIR FAITH IN HIS SONS BLOOD, DEATH AND RESURRECTION, and God HIMSELF BY THE LIVING SPIRITUAL SEED OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, God would heavenly mark and recreate the spirit of those who  BELIEVED within their heart......It was a heavenly thing. Mans spirit (thru faith in Christ) being recreated-born again- within in the hidden man of the heart (1 Peter 3:4)(Ephesians 4:23-24)(2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

       Read Ephesians 4:24) And learn to let the NEW MAN in you rule who is now BORN AGAIN & CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS in His image, in righteousness and true holiness...Let the NEW MAN on the inside of you that God has recreated in His righteous image and holiness lead you now along with the Holy Spirit who reveals all these spiritual things and spiritual truths to us and teaches us of HEAVENLY THINGS....Go and read John 3:1-18).......Comparing spiritual things with spiritual..... 1st Corinthians 2:1-16).......

      I close with this note......In Christ, do not labor for what you ALREADY ARE IN CHRIST, but LET BE what is already on the inside of you. Let the NEW MAN created in righteousness and true holiness ( like Paul preached and revealed in Ephesians 4: 23-24) with God your heavenly Fathers Holy Spirit more and more be your leader and your guide. When we have finally learned to really WALK IN THE NEW BORN AGAIN RECREATED IN CHRIST JESUS SPIRIT, the flesh loses and the NEW MAN wins and God is more and more pleased with us.....deno .

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